Upkeeping The Yemenite Krias Hatorah

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Some seventy Yemenite rabbonim, dayonim, and roshei yeshiva led by Rav Shlomo Yosef Machpud, Rav Pinchas Korach, Rav Ratzon Arusi, Rav Yefet Tari, and Rav Yitzchak Tzabari, signed a declaration calling on the tzibbur to read the public Krias Hatorah together with the Targum on Shabbos and weekdays per ancient Yemenite custom.

They quoted Rav Samuel Hanogid from his Sefer Ha’ittim, who wrote, “Neglecting the obligation of public translation is akin to heresy, and those who do so are considered transgressors.”

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. If u never had the z’chus to be with our Taymani bros during Leyening u can’t imagine imagine how uplifting it is when those little mlakhim roar out the Unkeles. How could we ever have stopped that, unless possibly we lost Unkeles at a criical time of persecution.


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