The Torah community is urgently requested to daven for Rav Avrohom Nesanel Zucker, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah Ohr Yisroel of Marine Park, Brooklyn, who is in critical need of rachamei Shomayim.
Rav Zucker sustained a severe head injury earlier today and is undergoing emergency surgery. The situation is critical, and Klal Yisroel is asked to daven on his behalf.
A special tefillah gathering is being held now at The Grove Shul at 151 Grove Circle in Fallsburg, NY.
Please daven for Avrohom Nesanel ben Masha Liba b’soch sha’ar cholei Yisroel.
If you are already Davening, why would you say, ‘Bsoch Shar Choilei Yisroel’, deliberately excluding all sick people who happen not to be Jewish.
When we need Rachmei Shomayim, we should show Hkb”h that we are a good Caring people full of empathy for all His Masei Yodayim.
The reason “Bsoch Shar Choilei Yisroel’ is said is that the tefilos are not dependent on the zhcuyos of this particular choleh alone but rather on the zhcuyos of all cholim. Rav Hutner even went as far as to say that if you don’t say ‘Bsoch Shar Choilei Yisroel’ don’t daven for him at all because he didn’t want them making the chesbon in Shmoyim if he is worthy of being healed on his own zcyos alone.
The question is asked on Shmoney Esre, why does it say Rofeh Chole Amoy Yisreol when Hashem heals non-Jews too. I’ll leave it to you to find the answer. (it shouldn’t be too hard)
Any updates?
To Anonymous:
I don’t have an answer for why we specifically exclude All Non-Yidden from our Bakoshes. But there is no doubt that we should show Hkb”h that we are caring people, and beg Him that He should no longer instigate anti-semitism against us. Yes we should include All decent people in our Tefilos of “Shlach Refuah Shleimo”, and then we can hope that our Tefilos should Finally start being Niskabel.