US Covid-19 Death Passes That Of Infamous 1918 Flu

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Despite all the scientific and medical advances of the past 103 years, the Covid-19 pandemic has now killed more Americans than the 1918 flu pandemic did.

More than 675,000 people in the United States have died from Covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University. That surpasses the estimated US death toll from the deadliest pandemic of the 20th century.

“If you would have talked to me in 2019, I would have said I’d be surprised,” said epidemiologist Stephen Kissler of the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

“But if you talked to me in probably April or May 2020, I would say I would not be surprised we’d hit this point.”

Read more at CNN.



  1. Anybody that believes there were no heart ailments, no flu, no other issues besides for gross negligence I have a bridge to sell you (it wasnt even built yet).

  2. This article is a little misleading. What it is leaving out is the percentage of people dying from the pandemics. In 1918 the population was 103 million. The US death toll was estimated around 675,000. So the death toll was approx 0.65% of the population. 2021 the US population is approx 333 million. The death toll stands around 676,000. That is only 0.2% of the population. Thus, the Flu pandemic was 3x more devastating then this pandemic.

  3. how dare you, they are labeling everything as covid, 95% of the deaths were people with 2.5 comorbidities, many to most didn’t even have symptoms of covid

  4. People die from bacterial pneumonia from constantly wearing masks. Dr. Mengele, uh, I mean, Fauci even came to that conclusion on his now conveniently “forgotten” study of the 1918 Spanish flu and discovered that most victims of the Spanish flu didn’t die from the Spanish flu, they died from bacterial pneumonia caused by wearing masks and the others from the experimental v accine.


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