US Gives $15 Million To Palestinians To Deal With COVID-19

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The United States said Thursday it is giving $15 million to vulnerable Palestinian communities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic, a sharp reversal from the Trump administration which cut off almost all aid to the Palestinians.

U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield made the announcement at the U.N. Security Council’s monthly Mideast meeting, saying the money from the U.S. Agency for International Development will support Catholic Relief Services’ “COVID-19 response efforts in health care facilities and for vulnerable families in the West Bank and Gaza.”

In addition, she said, the funds will support emergency food aid to communities in need as a result of the pandemic.

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  1. Are we sure it’s only $15,000,000 of our tax dollars? This president has had difficulty differentiating between million and billion! If he’s Obama’s protege it was likely 15 billion.

  2. As if there’s a remote hava amina that even a dime of that money will go anywhere but to support terror against Israel. What a moronic thing to do. There’s a reason chazal teach that it is prohibited to have mercy on a shoiteh


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