US Troops Secretly Training Taiwanese Military In Preparation For War With China

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Small units of Taiwan’s military ground forces have been trained by a U.S. special operations unit and a contingent of Marines, who have been secretly operating in that country, The Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Some two dozen members of  U.S. special-operations and support troops have been conducting the training in an effort to strengthen Taiwan’s defenses in light of concerns about potential aggression by China.

Officials tell the paper that American forces have been conducting the training for at least a year.

White House and Pentagon officials would not comment on the U.S. deployment.

China’s Foreign Ministry urged the U.S. to cease military aid to Taiwan.

“China will take all necessary steps to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” it said in a statement.

President Joe Biden announced Tuesday he and Chinese leader Xi Jinping agreed to abide by the Taiwan agreement and reduce tensions in the region following provocative moves by the Chinese.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. If China wants Taiwan, they will simply come in and grab it. There will be no resistance from the Americans, save for some garbled and incoherent message from Biden.


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