Vice President Kamala Harris Slams ‘Ridiculous’ Recent Media Coverage

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In a new interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Vice President Kamala Harris slammed “ridiculous” recent media coverage of her.

The veep was asked by the Bay Area paper about recent headlines about her deeming Bluetooth headsets a security risk, her body language in interactions with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and her decision to buy “high-end cookware” while in France—all of which she labeled “ridiculous.”

“Oh, how about, ‘She’s going to buy a pot on her way to the airport after a very significant and highly successful bilateral meeting in France on issues that are about national security, on issues that are about climate, on issues that are about what we are doing in terms of international norms and rules on everything from cyber to space.’ Come on,” the vice president suggested as a fairer reading of her stop at a Parisian culinary shop. The newspaper described Harris as being “in good spirits” throughout the chat.

On recent, more media reports about the Harris office culture and a string of high-profile departures, including the exit of top spokesperson Symone Sanders, the Chronicle reported Harris “sidestepped” such questions. Read more at the San Francisco Chronicle.



  1. The only thing that is ridiculous is Vice President Harris. She is the least competent person in any room she walks into, giggles like a socially awkward third grader and is mean-spirited as well. But really, it’s not her fault. President Yogurt Brains said that he’d pick a running mate who was female and of color – not necessarily of competence.


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