TRAGIC: Victim Of Elad Attack Targeted By Online Hate, Family Urges Restraint

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i24 News – Family members of one of the victims of Thursday night’s terrorist attack in Elad called on the public to tone down criticism of their loved one, especially on social media, for unwittingly leading the terrorists to the scene of the attack.

Security officials said the Palestinian terrorists who carried out the deadly knife and axe attack were driven by Oren Ben Yiftah, a 35-year-old cab driver from Lod, from the West Bank security fence, where they allegedly sneaked into Israel, to Elad.

Upon arrival, the two men shot Ben Yiftah, killing him, before heading to Ibn Gvirol Street where they killed Yonatan Havakuk and Boaz Gol. The three victims were fathers in their 30s and 40s who left behind 16 children.

In a message posted on Ben Yiftah’s Facebook page, the family said they were horrified by the hatred directed at them for driving Asad Yousef Asad al-Rifai, 19, and Subhi Emad Subhi Abu Shqeir, 20, to Elad.

“People of Israel, have mercy on us during this trying time,” they wrote. “Let us grieve in these days of mourning without worrying about the need to defend ourselves against despicable attacks.”

“We are appalled by the discourse on social networks and in the media in a vile attempt to link our beloved son Oren to the despicable attack on him,” they added.

They said that Ben Yiftah “worked as an honest and innocent driver. Just as a cab driver does not check who gets into the cab, Oren was not required to check work or entry permits.”


  1. “They said that Ben Yiftah “worked as an honest and innocent driver. Just as a cab driver does not check who gets into the cab, Oren was not required to check work or entry permits.”

    Well, is that true?
    The family can say one thing, but limaaseh, what will an honest investigation reveal?
    you’ve made your bed, now lie on it.
    As far as harassing the family, that is not right. That’s like the democrats telling their ilk to go out and harass, and hopefully kill, the supreme court justices and their families who are against murdering babies. You can’t blame other innocent family members.

    • What do you mean ” you made your bed , now lie in it!!! He deserved to get murdered????!!! Do you have a heart?

  2. adraba, let everyone know not to bring in arabs, and support jewish people.

    if we will use only jewish people more yidden will move into the workforce needed

  3. I am curious to know her stance on chareidim and whether she would act towards them in the same manner if they were the ones responsible in some way for this painful tragedy

  4. The terrorists were electricians, one the contractor, the other his worker. They had jobs inside Elad. Blame whoever hired them to do that job, not the cabbie who drove them in. Sadly, there is no way even a bus driver can prevent any arab from getting on his vehicle.


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