Video, Photos: Purim 5770 in Beth Medrash Govoha

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purim-5770-in-bmg1[Video and photos below.] Few Purim events around the globe are as uplifting and invigorating as the annual Purim mesibah on Purim night at Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ. Last night, hundreds upon hundreds of people gathered at the yeshiva.

Like every year, the gathering was an inspiring one, with beautiful singing and divrei Torah from the roshei hayeshiva and mashgiach. This year was no different. The mesibah was held in the yeshiva‘s dining room, where the crowd gathered around a tremendous tish-like table, with the rabbonim at the head of the dais. The heart-stirring zemiros were led by Reb Abish Brodt and his sons, with music by the imcomparable Rabbi Eli Cohen.

Divrei hisorerus in honor of Purim were said by Rav Malkiel Kotler, the mashgiach, Rav Matisyahu Salomon, and Rav Dovid Schustal. A large number of distinguished rabbonim and guests were present as well.

For the first time, the yeshiva constructed bleachers to accomodate the tremendous crowd.

To watch clips of the mesiba, click below:

[media id=588 width=400 height=300]

For photos, see below:

[slideshow id=146]

{ Newscenter Purim Team}


  1. i think it is beautiful,on purim when there is a mitzvah not to distingish between haman and mordachai, to forget the diffreneces between chassidim and litvish, that is the the ture simcha on purim

    in lakewood signign chabad niggunim how beautiful [2:30-3:15] now i unserstand the chiyov of being so happy not to know the diffeerences

  2. If you compare this mesiba with some others, there is an obvious difference in the flavor.
    A more tzniusdic atmosphere here!

  3. How beautiful! Look at the Torah energy that we have! We are holding up the world! The world would not exist without us! We are the only true shluchei hashem! We are so tsniusdik! We are the greatest! We are so modest!

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