[Videos below.] Rav Bentzion Shafier has impacted thousands of people with his talks and lectures, and especially with his innovative “Shmuz,” a mussar shmuess that draws on Torah, Gemara and the meforshim, but also brings in lessons from science, history and inspiring life stories of famous and not-so-famous individuals. There are over 180 shmuzin available for free at theshmuz.com, but Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier gives them live at various locations throughout the tri-state area, including Brooklyn, Queens, Lakewood, Passaic and Monsey.
Rabbi Shafier’s weekly video on the parsha is posted every Friday here on Matzav.com.
In the following video, Rabbi Shafier provides an insight into Parshas Ki Seitzei.
Click below to watch:
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{Dovid Bernstein-Matzav.com Newscenter}