VIDEOS: Over 10,000 Celebrate Dirshu Siyum at London’s Copper Box Arena

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Yesterday, a historic moment unfolded as over 10,000 people gathered at the Copper Box Arena in London for a grand siyum hosted by Dirshu.

The event marked the culmination of Maseches Shabbos in the Dirshu Daf HaYomi B’Amud program, as well as the beginning of Maseches Eiruvin.

This monumental occasion was not merely a celebration of Torah learning, but a testament to the enduring dedication to limud haTorah within Klal Yisroel.

The Copper Box Arena, typically reserved for major sporting events and concerts, was transformed into a vibrant makom of Torah. The atmosphere was electric as men and bochurim came together to celebrate the achievement of lomdei Dirshu. The cavernous space was filled to capacity, with participants overflowing into adjacent areas.

As the program began, a palpable sense of unity enveloped the crowd.

The siyum featured inspiring divrei chizuk and berachos from leading Gedolei Yisroel. Prominent among them were Rav Shimon Galei, Rav Nissan Kaplan, and others, who were welcomed by Rav Dovid Hofstedter, the Nasi of Dirshu.

The program featured stirring musical performances by renowned singers, including Motty Steinmetz, Zanvil Weinberger, Hershey Weinberger, and Boruch Levine, as well as the Malchus Choir. The music was directed by Moshe Mordechai Mona Rosenblum.



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