Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak: Do Not Report to IDF Draft Offices At All

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The Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Rav Yisroel Hager, has instructed his chassidim not to report to IDF Draft Offices at all.

During Seudah Shlishis at his vacation residence in England, where the Rebbe has been staying in recent weeks, he instructed not to report at all to draft offices. He conveyed this message to his close associates and family members who were with him, including the Rebbe of Vizhnitz-Beit Shemesh.

The Rebbe related that he asked his eldest son, Rav Chaim Meir Hager, Av Beis Din of Kiryas Vizhnitz, to sign a letter from Chassidishe Rebbes and Roshei Yeshivos against reporting, and that he requests that it be made known in his name that no one should respond to any summons at this time. If there are any changes, the community will be updated.

Less than a week ago, the letter from the Torah leaders of the Chassidic community was published here, instructing not to report to the draft offices.

In the letter, which was also signed by the Rebbe’s son, it is stated that this is in accordance with the opinion of all the gedolei Torah of the generation: “Since in these days, the military authorities have sent draft summonses to Chareidi young men and yeshiva students for their enlistment into the army, Heaven forbid. We clarify that the Torah sages, the great lights of Yisroel, of blessed memory, and those who are still alive, have already ruled that it is absolutely forbidden to enlist in the army, even if they establish strictly Chareidi battalions and divisions. They have already proven over many years that they do not meet these standards at all.

“And even if, initially, they may accommodate Chareidim to some extent, after some time it becomes impossible to remain there fully observant of Torah and mitzvos. Even if they claim that they will now fully ensure that Chareidim can remain strictly observant, according to Torah law, there is no credibility to these claims. We know with absolute certainty that there is no great Torah leader in Yisroel who disagrees with these matters.

“Therefore, we instruct, with the agreement of all the Torah giants of the generation, that all the young men and yeshiva students who received draft summonses are forbidden to report to the draft office at all. May the Almighty protect His people, Yisroel, that they may withstand all trials and remain faithful Jews to Hashem and His Torah.”

In the past, the rebbe had already instructed not to report to the draft offices.

The Chareidi community is not compromising in light of the draft summonses that were sent recently. As we first reported a month ago, Hagaon Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Slabodka rosh yeshiva, instructed not to report. Similarly, Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon Rav Dov Landau issued a letter that was published instructing not to report to any military summons.

Similarly, the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah of Shas announced not to cooperate at all and not to report to any summons.

{ Israel}



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