Want To Attend New Year’s Eve In New York City’s Times Square? You Must Be Fully Vaccinated

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New Year’s Eve will look a little more normal this year in New York City after Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that those fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be allowed to be in Times Square for the iconic ball drop, USA Today reports. Last year’s celebration had a limited crowd due to COVID-19 precautions, with space reserved mostly for first responders in socially distant pods. But de Blasio, along with Times Square Alliance, said the celebration to kick off 2022 will have full attendance this year.

Those age 5 and older will have to provide proof of vaccination along with a valid photo ID to be admitted to the viewing area. Those under the age of 5 unable to receive the vaccine must be accompanied by a vaccinated adult and they must wear a face covering at all times.



  1. For many of those who are allowed to attend this coming year’s big Times Square event because they submitted to these evil laws, this will very likely be THEIR LAST such event! For by the time of the next year’s event, they will have long been dead from the horrid harm of the hyper-dangerous-blood-clot-causing-Covid-vaccines. Many others (of those who will attend this coming event) who were not so severely harmed by the vaccine may well have one or two or even three more years of big events that they will be able to go to. After that though, they too will begin to be hit by the more “subtle” “long term” harmful mechanisms of the deadly vaccines, which, very tragically, will do them in.


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