Watch: Armed Robber Takes $100,000 In Jewelry From NYC Store

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An armed robber took $100,000 in jewelry from a New York City store Tuesday afternoon and video of the robbery has now been released to the public.

The Daily Mail notes the suspect walked into the store “in a grey sweatshirt and face mask with a pizza delivery backpack and Target bag.”

The suspect then made demands, allegedly fired a round into the wall, and set the Target back on the counter so store personnel could fill it with jewels.

The video, published by NYPD Crime Stoppers, appears to show the suspect pointing out which jewelry items he wanted the victims to place in the bag.

Read more at Breitbart.



  1. He wasn’t wearing his mask over his nose!!! What a murderer! We must rat him out! If he would of been on a flight, he would of been arrested and banned from ever flying again.

    • The SOLE PURPOSE for mandatory masks are to protect the elite (cabal – deep state – ccp – mossad) criminals on the run hiding under masks. It was their idea that everyone wear it so that they can blend in and hide. Seriously. Masks, lockdowns and quarantines are all about those criminals currently being eradicated from the earth.


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