A Hatzolah of Boro Park ambulance turned over today on the way to a call at the intersection of 14th Avenue and 39th Street.
The ambulance went through a red light en route to the emergency call, when a van crossing the intersection crashed into it, causing the ambulance to overturn.
Boruch Hashem, no one was seriously hurt in the scary incident.
Ambulances, even with flashing lights and siren, are supposed to slow down and proceed cautiously when entering an intersection against a red light. The video clearly shows that the ambulance was going through a red light and failed to slow down.
In the zchus of their chessed they do, b”H no one was seriously heart.
Oy! Were lights and sirens on?
Any reason why ambulance didn’t slow at the intersection? Even with siren and lights on all emergency vehicles slow down at intersection. Just because you have a siren on and the right to go through a red light that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t act with caution
Makes for a great driving fails video.