WATCH: Chief Rabbi of S. Africa Calls Out Biden’s Betrayal

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  1. “The only thing that stands between Jews in Israel and another Holocaust is the immense strength of the IDF.”
    The message is strong BUT this line is Kefira.

    • He later says the IDF with G-Ds help. But, that too seems to share the credited with the IDF, and is only later on in the speech

  2. What a horror! Am I missing something? Isn’t the first minute kefiroh? כוחי ועוצם ידי עשה לי את החיל החיל הזה. I am shaking. He does later mention that the IDF accomplished with G-Ds help. But that first min? I am sure that this Rabi is a unique and wonderful person and in no way does this post attempt to denigrate him. Just questioning that expression

  3. He is addressing the Western leaders .
    They have to be told that al pi derech hateva it is the IDF.
    Which is correct.
    But we [and he] know fully well that – im hashem lo yishmor ir shav shakad shomer.

    • It wouldn’t hurt them to hear that we attribute our safety and success to Hashem, but not acknowledging it publicly can hurt us.

    • If we are truly believing in Hashems singular power, do we need to placate western leaders with expressions that are inherently heretic?

  4. Perhaps the greatest kefirah spoken – one that cannot really be “fahr-enfered” – is when he refers to the churban in Europe during WWII as “The First Holocaust” and R”L the next one (committed by Hamas) as “The Second One.”

    In addition to the fact all Torah leaders have said Churban Europe was just one of the many Churbanos/Holocausts which came upon us (mipnei chata’einu) all of which are remembered on Tisha b’Av, CHaZa”L stated emphatically in our Hagaddah Shel Pesach that “Bi’CHOL dor va’dor omdim aleinu li’chaloseinu, vi’HKB”H matzileinu mi’yadam.”

    By saying the “First Holocaust” took place during WWII, and that the IDF, and more globally the establishment of the State of Israel, is at least partially responsible for our victories and ongoing protection from our enemies, denies the authority of our contemporary sages to define and explain our history with the lens of Torah and denies the authenticity of CHaZa”L.

  5. He is a great man and very outspoken for all issues related to the Klal including Shemiras Shabbos. He has written seforim and spoken as the one of the foremost advocates for Klal Yisroel. Nobody is interested in your semantic criticisms. How dare you sit in your villas and armchairs criticizing for no good reason other than to show off your great solutions to Klal Yisroels near destruction. What are you doing about it and does anybody really care ?


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