Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko appeared on The Pete Santilli Show this week to talk about medical tyranny, saving lives from the Covid-19 death protocols pushed by the government and doctors, and more.
Dr. Zelenko famously put together an all-natural formula design supporting the natural defense system of the body called Z-Stack.
During the interview, while making a point about people being forced to vaccinate, Dr. Zelenko pulled out a gun for emphasis.
Two nutcakes
Very intelligent response. So much tochen in your answer.
Don’t be so harsh on MRN 9:41. He/she nebech took some of these shots and it’s hard for him/her to think of him/herself as THE nutcase so has to accuse others.
You mean, exactly what the 2A is there for?
Im sure your grandparents in Europe were grateful for the 2A when the Germans came to take them away.
Oh wait…..
To think ppl once listened to him. frightening.
nice of him to market overpriced vitamins
You are an idiot at best. Closer to achzarios really.
If you’re still alive by next year you MUST bentch goimel, you know that?
The costs!
Get a free vaccine (s). and live.
The rest just want your money.
Cheese in a mouse trap is also free
Think for yourself. Does all this make sense? Like we “believe” these medical professionals that this is life threatening, yet they were all caught taking a life and death risk by going maskless. Faucci, biden, chris cuomo, and who not. This is the whole spectrum of professionals to the layman.
When Trump was pushing and predicting this very vaccine, all the pros (including faucci) claimed this either cannot be or it won’t be safe, hense they won’t be taking it. What changed now? Liberals are in power?
We began with not overwhelming our hospitals, that was the justification for the lockdown. Is anybody suggesting this is still the case?
Before biden became president, he argued that vaccine mandates are unconstitutional. What changed?
Before there was any medical option, there was hqc many were saying helped. Again there was no other option! Why didn’t these “experts” make their points and leave it up to the persons personal physician? The cardiologist I spoke to said it’s safe and he has always has always had some patients on hqc with no adverse side effects.
I listened to trumps “bleach” speech. Only somebody as dumb as a fig understood this to mean “go drink bleach”.
Why do they insist that “they don’t know” about natural immunity when the understandings of natural immunity has been tested a gazillion times?
There is only one answer to all the above. That is they themselves don’t believe in this hype, yet they have ulterior motives. VERY SCARY! And they bet on peoples ignorance and trust in the “experts” and “educated” (which liberals have in abundance).
Are you up to your 4th FREE vaccine? Boy are they right for saying that the purpose of the vaccine is to get rid of the low IQ. Look how many there are on this report – all of them took the vax. LOL!
He promotes useless therapies and denies the efficacy of what does work.
Next he will run for the US Senate like that other quack Dr. Oz.
Charles B Hall, you are consistently a stupid, cruel person.
Yeh, just take all the vaccines, wear a mask, stay in your Mommy’s basement, and you’ll live forever.
you always say the same thing have you ever tried saying all the junk you say here in person? or are you scared of being decked in the face?
The truth hurts, eh?
he probably hasnt said it to anyones face cuz if he did he’d get canceld and yes decked in the face, that if anything only proves the truth of his statement
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