Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko spoke at the Awaken America conference in Texas, calling giving children the Covid vaccine a “child sacrifice,” adding that we are in “a biblical war.”
HT: Belaaz News
Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko spoke at the Awaken America conference in Texas, calling giving children the Covid vaccine a “child sacrifice,” adding that we are in “a biblical war.”
HT: Belaaz News
what a loon
Remember when he predicted that 2-3 years after gettign vaccine 75% wil be dead
Well that leaves just 1-2 years left until the massive vaccine rapture
OK, so how many deaths have been reported to the gov’t V reporting system?
If you take the death vaccine today, you can be dead within 3 years. If you took it in Jan 2021, you can be dead within 2 years.
Oh boy
200 million in the US had the vaccine
!50 millon dead.
Thats a lot of bodies.
Might be worth taking the vaccine just not to deal with the clean up
Dr. Hydroxylenko went off the deep end. His public messages are getting wilder and crazier, by the day.
Examine his website: consulted by the governments on four continents – sure, everyone was looking for some hope, but, at the end of the day, NONE of those governments or continents are following his ideas.
Next, adviser to the President – right! He offered his advice, the President mentioned it on the national news, and that was the end of his “advisory” status.
Saved tens of thousands of lives. Where, exactly?
Developer of the Zelenko protocol – the one developed and announced by the French scientists, which didn’t pan out in the long run, and which he claimed as his own?
After all that, he is busy selling overpriced vitamins, which help only their manufacturers.
The man has become a true conspiracist, and thinks that the hardcore Republicans, to whom his theories appeal, will put him on a pedestal. They will not.
It is truly scary how a short period of prominence could get so fast into a person’s head, that he will stoop to spewing nonsense, only to remain relevant, even as his momentary fame turns into infamy.
Yup. Just wear your mask correctly, stay in your Mommy’s basement and you’ll live forever. What’s not to like.
Big mouth, how many death shots have you taken already?
He is correct.
Matzav should not publicize anti-vaxer propaganda
Oh, okay. Bl”n we’ll stop.
He is not anti vax. He is only to save trying to save lives. You should thank him for opening our minds to see the truth
How do you go about opening minds of idiots?
He’s still around?
May he live with Moshiach bv”o
Can you post the whole speech?
He is correct. No reason for children to get the “vax” Not worth the risk. Hospitals will not give ivermectin or HYDQ because of pure GREED. Medicare gives a 20% bonus to hospitals that RX Remdesivir, a drug that will not cure COVID and will shut down your kidneys, leading to a vent and death
pardon me, dumb, but remdesvir saved my wife’s life when she was hospitalized with covid last year.
like the famous saying goes, opinions are like rear ends, everyone has them and they all stink.
I like that famous saying
Many patients were treated with remdesvir and ended up on dialysis. A choshuva young man died this week from remdesvir which the evil doctors injected him with last year.
He had helped save too many lives to count. A wonderful shliach from Hashem.
Why are you publicizing this? For whos benefit? There are lots of anti vaxers around spewing poison. They don’t need our support!
Great. So you can bring your children to Molech if you please.
These comments are shameful.
This is a man who risks his life day after day to spread truth in order to save people
His discovery of the covid treatment protocol literally saved tens of thousands people.
Daily death threats become the norm for people like this.
I would expect more respect even if you disagree
I see that the anti-HDCQ are out in force. I think most people reading this want to hear what he has to say. These anti comments are from the crazy left that are trying to shut down real speech and analysis.
so true and so sad. Hashem should open their eyes before it’s too late. THere’s one conspiracy theory I always think about ” shebichal dor v’dor omdim aleinu l’chaloseinu”. Its part of our emunah.
Dr. Zelenko publicized a protocol for covid that has saved thousands upon thousands of people who heard about it because of him and his efforts to spread this information. Its irrelevant where he heard about this protocol from and its irrelevant how many high up people he treated and helped (which he did). He is a true hero speaking up and risking his life, his career and everything he has to save as many lives as he could. Those who vilify him and spread motzei shem ra about him should be very careful because I shudder to think how Hashem will deal with people who speak against such a brave hero.
You many not agree with the way he is presenting his opinion on the vaccine, but to say that the dangers of the vaccine far outweigh the benefit (if there even is one at this point) for kids is the truth and once again he is risking everything to speak out against the mainstream lies and save YOUR KIDS. If you choose to ignore him and others like him, calling them names and vilifying them, in the end you are the one who will unfortunately lose out and are taking a huge risk. Hashem should protect us all.
Dr. Zelenko found his protocol on the CDC’s very own website, in the aftermath of the first Covid-SARS epidemic, that many of you forgot about, if you even heard of it. It was centered in Hong Kong and parts of China, around 18-19 years ago. Zelenko applied it to his patients, and when he saw that it worked, he published it, like any other doctor would. Instead of being hailed as a hero, he was hunted as a criminal, the HCQ removed from pharmacy shelves worldwide and doctors threatened with losing their medical licenses if they dared prescribe it. I found the CDC’s article, saved the link, but when I opened it a year later, it had been removed. (Much like the Wuhan lab’s removal of files…) The mere fact that the protocol has never been objectively and correctly researched, only besmirched, is enough proof of lack of transparency in the whole business.
Dear Matzav,
This beyond embarrassing! Remember, people could die thanks to your spreading this anti-vaccine lunacy…
There is lots of room in Gehinnom for people who speak Lashon Hara about another Jew, dear friends. And that includes the facilitators – Matzav.
Fantastic speech! Thanks for posting Matzav!!! Thanks for thinking out of box!