In the summer of 2005, President George W. Bush was on vacation at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, when he began flipping through an advance reading copy of a new book about the 1918 flu pandemic. He couldn’t put it down.
When he returned to Washington, he called his top homeland security adviser into the Oval Office and gave her the galley of historian John M. Barry’s “The Great Influenza,” which told the chilling tale of the mysterious plague that “would kill more people than the outbreak of any other disease in human history.”
He was pres from 2001 to 2009. Why didn’t he prepare?
On that note, these so-called virus experts have known of Corona-type viruses for over 25 years. Why didn’t they prepare more, or start vaccine-related work, knowing that these viruses come out with new strains every couple of years.
In 1918 when about 100 million people were killed was NOT from a flu epidemic but from an experimental vaccine from a medical research lab in NY which was injected into soldiers. These infected soldiers spread the bacteria in Europe where they went to fight.
But that was not enough for the elite criminals. They helped spread the virus during WWI from their labs to countries in Europe, just like the elite criminals of today who are spreading the Corona Virus from their labs.
“Scientists or doctors cannot tell us where or when the next pandemic will strike.” ANOTHER LIE!
In 2017 Dr. Farci threatened President Trump that he will face a infectious disease outbreak worse that the flu epidemic of 1918.
i’m sure the media mocked “dubya”‘s naivete and basic misunderstanding of science since they always know everything.
That is why (and when) Bush filled the federal stockpiles of emergency medical supplies. And in 2009 Obama emptied them for the swine flu and never replenished them.
And I taught that had enough of a brain to replace them, just proves that I was wrong
This video is chilling.
So why did the Bush’s allow a plane load of Saudi Arabians to flee the US on Sep. 12th, when ALL flights were grounded?! If the Saudis were the ones who allegedly flew the airplanes into the Twin Towers, why would he allow all those Saudi nationals to escape before checking if they were involved with the terrorist plot?!
i hate fish