Beware of the misyavnim. They are not giving up so fast. They’ll find some new reason why we should davka NOT daven with a Minyan and miss duchening & yud gimel middos, etc… May HKB”H protect us from the evil from within and may we once again enter our mikdash miat’s birov am!
So you should stay home forever and you’ll be safe. You never know. You might get hit by a car on your way to Shul or the grocery store. Don’t ever eat food again. You never know. You might choke on the food or it might be poisoned. Never take a bath or go swimming. You never know. You might drown. Crazy things happen all the time.
Dear 9:43, there is no halachic reason to shut down the shuls, as you can actually do both: keep open, and keep safe by self-enforcing strict hygiene and distancing rules. Can you wrap your brain around this?!
We can’t obey this dictator; it sets a precedent for the liberal-fascist governments to request to shut down shuls for any excuse in the future. If all of us disobey at once, there’d be nothing that the little dictator-wannabe could do: he doesn’t have enough cops to enforce something on such a scale. Besides, no one cancelled the first amendment of the United States constitution, so any large scale defiance will force the federal justice department to get involved and to put Cuomo back in his place.
8:50am, it’s a brainless knee jerk responses on your part issue. If it was a pikuach nefesh issue, then it would have sufficed to self-enforce very strict social-distancing rules while keeping the shuls open. Obviously, your “talent” is repeating what you’ve been told without giving much thought into the matter.
All hail the most benevolent governor of the state of New York!¡
15 people makes no sense! You mean to tell me a large shul with hundreds of feet can only put in 15 people? it’s insane! It’s no wonder why people don’t trust their government!
Wow, some of the stupidity hat is being put forth here… save us.
BUT: a point for matzav for an honest report. Others, idiots that they are, reported this story as cuomo announced guidelines for reopening shuls. Now, it could be they’re not bad, and didn’t mean to mislead anyone. Maybe they’re just uneducated or stupid, and don’t actually understand what he said. Havtabe Dan lkaf stupid.
3:44pm, first of all how do you know that the minyanim that stayed open didn’t practice the social distancing; do you have actual statistics or do you have just a hearsay? Second, if Rabonim came out for the actual safety rules enforcement, as opposed to the carpet-bombing shut downs, then even the muat shebemuat careless element would be much more likely to practice the hygiene and distancing rules, because they would be under a threat of being kicked out of the shul – they would have what to lose, whereas with the shuls shut, any reasonable enforcement pressure on the careless fools has no teeth.
Mask dont work
Also this just came out
Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed
By Kai KupferschmidtFeb. 3, 2020 , 5:30 PM
A paper published on 30 January in The New England Journal of M
Beware of the misyavnim. They are not giving up so fast. They’ll find some new reason why we should davka NOT daven with a Minyan and miss duchening & yud gimel middos, etc… May HKB”H protect us from the evil from within and may we once again enter our mikdash miat’s birov am!
Indeed they will find treason to miss davening with amiyan. f. The reason would be “Venishmartem MEOD es nafshsoiechem!!!
So you should stay home forever and you’ll be safe. You never know. You might get hit by a car on your way to Shul or the grocery store. Don’t ever eat food again. You never know. You might choke on the food or it might be poisoned. Never take a bath or go swimming. You never know. You might drown. Crazy things happen all the time.
Dear 9:43, there is no halachic reason to shut down the shuls, as you can actually do both: keep open, and keep safe by self-enforcing strict hygiene and distancing rules. Can you wrap your brain around this?!
We can’t obey this dictator; it sets a precedent for the liberal-fascist governments to request to shut down shuls for any excuse in the future. If all of us disobey at once, there’d be nothing that the little dictator-wannabe could do: he doesn’t have enough cops to enforce something on such a scale. Besides, no one cancelled the first amendment of the United States constitution, so any large scale defiance will force the federal justice department to get involved and to put Cuomo back in his place.
Shuls were closed in other states and countries. So this is not a Liberal issue. It is a pikuach nefesh issue.
8:50am, it’s a brainless knee jerk responses on your part issue. If it was a pikuach nefesh issue, then it would have sufficed to self-enforce very strict social-distancing rules while keeping the shuls open. Obviously, your “talent” is repeating what you’ve been told without giving much thought into the matter.
All hail the most benevolent governor of the state of New York!¡
15 people makes no sense! You mean to tell me a large shul with hundreds of feet can only put in 15 people? it’s insane! It’s no wonder why people don’t trust their government!
It’s the beryonim who are pushing these archaic laws. Very reminiscent of what was taking place during the churban bais sheni. It’s the rah mebifnim.
Wow, some of the stupidity hat is being put forth here… save us.
BUT: a point for matzav for an honest report. Others, idiots that they are, reported this story as cuomo announced guidelines for reopening shuls. Now, it could be they’re not bad, and didn’t mean to mislead anyone. Maybe they’re just uneducated or stupid, and don’t actually understand what he said. Havtabe Dan lkaf stupid.
Can you please explain in simple English what in the world you are talking about?
“would have sufficed to self-enforce very strict social-distancing rules while keeping the shuls open”
Theoretically correct – BUT as facts have proven, i.e. Shuls that are unofficial opened up, people are NOT abiding by the rules. Its as life goes on…
3:44pm, first of all how do you know that the minyanim that stayed open didn’t practice the social distancing; do you have actual statistics or do you have just a hearsay? Second, if Rabonim came out for the actual safety rules enforcement, as opposed to the carpet-bombing shut downs, then even the muat shebemuat careless element would be much more likely to practice the hygiene and distancing rules, because they would be under a threat of being kicked out of the shul – they would have what to lose, whereas with the shuls shut, any reasonable enforcement pressure on the careless fools has no teeth.