A bunch of silly liberals who think they’re contributing to the advancement of mankind but are really the victims of racism. Black against white racism. That’s actually the goal of BLM – to make white people terrified of them. כצאן לטבח יובל.
Black people, or any other people for that matter, should not be treated better just cuz of their skin color. If you act like a decent mentch, you’ll get somewhere in life. If not, …
a bunch of white loosers. get off your bottoms and do something with your life. I never did anything wrong to black people and skin color don’t matter to me as long as you’re a mench but they’ve done plenty wrong to everyone in USA with this whole protest thing.
Stockholm syndrome. Dumb stupid drugged up democrats. This is what every white American would have to be doing if Beto O’Rourke or Kirsten Gillibrand had won the Presidency. Priviliged whites. All the bird- brains pictured above should be made to house at least 2 African-Americans in their home for a minimum of a year and pay their full share of reparations. After that, these whites should be dumped into the City’s cesspool’s to drown to death for their crimes.
That is correct. Just like Nanci Pelosi. She lives in an all WHITE gated community and she preaches about being open to blacks. Uch. Such a democrat hypocrite.
This is absurd! America is not a racist country! The blacks never had it better. They are 12 % of the population and commit 80% of all violent crime. Black on white crime exceeds white on black crime by 20 to 1! Yet they have the audacity to demand “justice,” loot and cause mayhem because of an isolated incident which does not reflect the American character in any way. This has been going on for at least 60 years already. Come back in 50 years and you will see that nothing will change, not the crime and not their false sense of entitlement. This is pure insanity, encouraged by demented liberals.
A bunch of silly liberals who think they’re contributing to the advancement of mankind but are really the victims of racism. Black against white racism. That’s actually the goal of BLM – to make white people terrified of them. כצאן לטבח יובל.
Black people, or any other people for that matter, should not be treated better just cuz of their skin color. If you act like a decent mentch, you’ll get somewhere in life. If not, …
a bunch of white loosers. get off your bottoms and do something with your life. I never did anything wrong to black people and skin color don’t matter to me as long as you’re a mench but they’ve done plenty wrong to everyone in USA with this whole protest thing.
Stockholm syndrome. Dumb stupid drugged up democrats. This is what every white American would have to be doing if Beto O’Rourke or Kirsten Gillibrand had won the Presidency. Priviliged whites. All the bird- brains pictured above should be made to house at least 2 African-Americans in their home for a minimum of a year and pay their full share of reparations. After that, these whites should be dumped into the City’s cesspool’s to drown to death for their crimes.
Pathetic zombies
MESHUGAIM!!!! The outcome of insane professors.
You can be sure that none of these people actually live in a neighborhood where the majority of residents are black
That is correct. Just like Nanci Pelosi. She lives in an all WHITE gated community and she preaches about being open to blacks. Uch. Such a democrat hypocrite.
worms. Begging forgiveness from Bnei Ham.
This is absurd! America is not a racist country! The blacks never had it better. They are 12 % of the population and commit 80% of all violent crime. Black on white crime exceeds white on black crime by 20 to 1! Yet they have the audacity to demand “justice,” loot and cause mayhem because of an isolated incident which does not reflect the American character in any way. This has been going on for at least 60 years already. Come back in 50 years and you will see that nothing will change, not the crime and not their false sense of entitlement. This is pure insanity, encouraged by demented liberals.