Watch: Health Update From Dr. Zev Zelenko, Zev Ben Leah

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  1. I halfway agree with him.

    IMHO, the best valid excuse to not take “the jab” is only if you meet one or more of these conditions:

    1) You’re under 35 years old and you wear a mask when in the same room as vulnerable people.

    2) You have ready access to the HCQ+Zinc protocols that Dr. Zev ben Leah discovered B’e”H.

    3) You already had covid, and a subsequent blood-test has shown you have/had a good amount of antibodies. (meaning that you’re not immunosuppressed.)

    • I only halfway agree with you @Jacob. Everyone can access the protocol if they want. They could get ivermectin also. Tons of doctors across the world are prescribing it. Somech is an organization that can help anyone in the world (or almost) get these medications. Secondly masks have been proven not to work at all in numersous studies already. Only people with comorbidities have to be concerned under 60 or 55 (not 35!) and they can take high levels of vitamin D and prophylactic medications. THe vaccine is obsolete and not working well anymore. IT also has many severe risks of which the long term ones are still unknown.

      • 1) Ivermectin has been proven very dangerous to HUMANS in numerous tests/ studies.
        2) Masks don’t not work at all. N95s and KN 95s work very well. Others work LESS well according to the latest studies.
        3) The vaccines are NOT obsolete. Their efficasy MAY drop by 10 to 20 per after 6 months, but anyone who has naturally acquired immunity can still produce T cells. Vaccines have been proven,absolutely so, to increase protection, even after one shot ,in conjunction with natural immunity.

    • Your research is a far cry from this good doctor’s. If he says it’s poisonous, that’s exactly what it is. He knows what he’s talking about. Do you have any idea how many thousands of people were murdered with this poison? Go do some proper research (not from fake media) and listen to his tapes before writing nonsense and fantasies about this dangerous jab that every single animal it was tested on died from.

      FYI the faxine has absolutely nothing to do with any medical cure. The only “cure” it has is to make people “anti bodies”.

    • Jake 3:34, you are wrong:
      Covid infection fatality rate is practically zero if you are in good health and younger than 40 and is still less than that of a regular seasonal flu if you are in good health and younger than 70. While the experimental RNA treatment needs a decade or two of safety record to rule out any long-term side-effects.
      Non respirator masks have microscopic openings larger than the diameter of the coronavirus by a factor of at least ten, and even N95 respirators are usually not fitted properly and are leaking air at the sides of the mask. Meanwhile, these masks, useless in the coronavirus prevention, can be very harmful to a wearer: unless you dispose your mask every hour or two, these masks become a perfect breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and fungi. Imagine a single tuberculosis bacteria in the air: it doesn’t multiply in the air, and even if you breathe it in, your immune system can easily neutralize this single bacteria; now, if you are wearing a mask and this single tuberculosis bacteria gets into the moist and warm mask and multiplies to millions of bacteria and you forcefully breathe-in this bacterial cocktail, your immune system can get overwhelmed and you will get tuberculosis infection in your lungs, chas vesholom.
      You can have immunity without antibodies, as the human immune system uses a very complex white blood cells setup. So, presence of covid antibodies means that you have immunity to a particular covid mutation, but its absence does NOT necessarily mean that you are not immune to this particular covid mutation. Most people have covid antibodies for up to six months, but a t-cell based immunity to your particular coronavirus mutation stays for decades.
      Your views are your own when they are not a regurgitation of other people’s opinions, “experts” or not. To form an opinion, do listen to all people, do try to study the subject matter, and do try to discern the truth by using your critical thinking skills. If you are not capable of figuring out the truth from lies on your own and you feel that you must merely repeat someone else’s opinion – that’s okay, but you should not express your opinions as you really have none.

  2. p.s.
    My aforementioned “Humble opinion” is based on research, and is a conglomeration of the views of multiple health-professionals.
    (Plus a pinch of common-sense…)

    • May I suggest you try a bit more than a pinch of common sense? I have also read many articles and done some research. A couple of the physicians I have been in contact with themselves say it doesnt make sense to them. With todays cancel culture (elite bullies) they are afraid to state their minds. So between your pinch of common sense and their understanding it doesnt take a scientist to figure that I’m going with the science that makes full sense.

    • ANY health professionals who believes in the corona nonsense and its faxine should be added to the Nuremberg Trial list.

      Common sense, huh? If you still haven’t realized that this faxine is verrrrry dangerous with ZERO % medical effectiveness, you have common sense?

  3. Refua Shleima Bsoch Sheor Cholei Yisroel!!!
    This man is a true tsadik.
    Notice how this actually-practicing MD(very much unlike Fauci whose medical experience is pretty-much limited to being a government bureaucrat) expresses his professional opinion: “don’t take the poison death shot”. You’ve been warned: if you are dumb enough to take the experimental RNA treatment even though you are not in a covid risk group, then your blood is on you, and the only thing we the rational human beings can do for you is to daven for your miraculous salvation from the death-shot’s side-effects.

  4. Please Daven for him. (Refuas haNefesh and refuas haguf)
    Speak to a reputable, trust worthy doctor.
    He is part of the dangerous fringe.

    • Dr. Lebowitz, I feel very sorry for you, because you will be judged unfavorably in the next world if you convinced or persuaded your patients to get the jab knowing the risks of long term injury and death. As Dr. Zelenko has said previously, the only risks for Covid are the government you are living under and your doctor.

      Refuah Shleimah!!!!!

    • I spoke to many reputable, trustworthy doctors. Most of them told me that they did not take the shot nor will they take the shot. They said that they can not say this publicly because they would be shunned by other doctors who do believe in the shot. There is no answer to the question “Is the shot safe?” Nor is there an answer to “Should I get the shot?” Each person is different. Each case is different. My question is “Is the poison in the shot with all its long term negative effects worth the short term relief the shot offers?”

    • I did already. Not in the media or under the watchful gaze of the liberal bullies. Their opinion doesnt match yours.

      Everybody, speak to your own doctors. Dont listen to any one with credentials only in the chatrooms.

    • Let me ask a question, have you ever dealt with a patient on a trache? How about with a ventilator. Did you try leaving them alone for a couple of hrs? Could the patient possibly evacuate his phlegm? Please answer some questions rather than just “follow my orders”!

      Sorry, this topic is an emotionally charged one with major consequences both ways. Nothing really personal.

    • If you’re a doctor and believe in the corona nonsense you should be fired immediately. Who knows how many people you killed or injured with the poison?

    • Howard 5:23, what makes you “reputable” as opposed to Dr Zelenko? Your blind following of the official party-line without questioning, even though Fauci himself admitted to lying and the covid data has been obviously cooked, makes YOU the opposite of reputable. I want my doctor to use critical thinking, to use scientific-method to break through dogma, and to treat me as a unique individual as opposed to a statistic to be dealt with the same protocol even when it obviously fails. It seems that the contemporary american medical schools promote obedience and dumb memorization as opposed to creativity and problem solving.

  5. Dear Dr. Lebowitz,

    I am very skeptical about his strong opposition to the vaccines, but why do you call his viewpoint “dribble”??

    You can earn the right to reject Doc Zelenko’s opinion ONLY IF you watched or read his explanations as to why he considers the vaccines dangerous.
    And then you must dismantle his arguments, utilizing your medical expertise.

    Have you already done that (your due diligence) ??

    Dr. Zelenko was/is completely correct regarding his “HCQ protocols”.
    So i believe that we cannot dismiss out-of-hand his views on the vaccines, unless you take into account his views and his medically-based criticisms, and do your homework, and then, if you still disagree with his findings, express YOUR medical opinion.

  6. With all due respect to Dr Lebowitz who surely has helped many thousands of patients: The readers on Matzav are far smarter than you think and know the TRUTH already about these vaccines. They don’t work and are very risky. Im sorry. THE mainstream doctors like yourself are extremely dangerous and unaware of the truth about this vaccine. They “trust” the CDC and “the experts.” This VACCINE has caused thousands of deaths and injuries already. Dr. Zelenko’s protocol works for all variants. Dr. Zelenko was threatened and came out with the truth anyway. Which side of history are you going to come out on by following the government? Have we, as Jews never seen governments before who can not be trusted? That do not care one iota about us? And BTW there are many other doctors who agree with Dr Zelenko but wouldn’t dare speak up and suffer the consequences.

  7. I hope be’ez”H to daven for this tzaddik who has saved thousands of people from the hands of the evil who are out to kill you. May Hashem give him a refuah shelemah bimherah and may he merit welcoming Moshiach tzidkeinu BIMHERAH VEYAMEINU amen.

    Why isn’t this holy doctor taking hydroxychloroquine? Isn’t that the best cure for cancer?

  8. If you wear a mask covering your whole head and stay locked up in your Mommy’s basement, you will live forever. Even God can’t get you. Trust me. It works.

  9. It was grossly irresponsible for Matzav to publish the remarks of Dr. Zelenko.
    The numbers are abundantly clear, the vaccine saves lives.
    Not taking the vaccine, puts lives at risk.
    Unfortunately, too many people in the frum community are prone to fall for the ridiculous conspiracy theory lies about the efficacy of the vaccine.
    Shame on you Matzav.
    You are endangering Yiddishe lives by propagating these false narratives, giving a forum to quacks.

    • The numbers are abundantly clear? From who exactly? The CDC that contradicts itself saying how “effective” these these so-called vaccinesare and yet at the same time talk about how they llose their efficacy and therefore “vaccinated” people must also wear mask, social distance and keep on getting booster shots… Is that how effective it is? Yes, look how effective these shots are in Israel…But go ahead, blame the “unvaccinated” and those talking about the facts.

      • The vaccinations aren’t too effective in Israel. We’re dealing with the fourth wave, thousands testing positive as opposed to single digits just a few months ago. So it’s time to start actively and accurately testing the various treatments discovered over the past year and a half: HCQ+zinc (or Ivermectin or Quercetin), with or without AZT, Phenofibrate, Budesonide in inhalation/nebulizer, adequate levels of vitamins C and D, maybe other things. These are all drugs with decades long safety records, they’re cheap and easily available, or at least they were till Fauci and his ilk decided to arbitrarily remove them from pharmacy shelves worldwide.

  10. Even if Zelenko is right , at the end of the day we can rely on a psak from Rav Moshe regarding smoking that , shomer pesaaim hashem. The same would apply to the covid vaccine


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