Watch How Kamala Harris Uses Exact Same Canned Lines Over and Over Again, with Charlie Cooke and MBD

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Megyn Kelly is joined by National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke and Michael Brendan Dougherty to talk about the repetitive nature of Kamala’s public statements, her repeating the same line about “the duality of democracy,” and more.



  1. No surprise here. It’s elementary, my dear Watson.

    Kamala lacks a message, has no policies that she can articulate, and finds these microphones a plot to expose her utter stupidity. So she rehearses some lines that sound impressive but contain nothing. It is an art to keep an audience listening while saying nothing, and she has that down pretty well. So she does it. Those who are intellectually impaired walk away with their glazed eyes, believing they have heard the next world class orator. But can never even append her gibberish with anything practical or intelligent. I have spoken to some Harris supporters, and have never encountered anyone that could express anything that was even logical. Just platitudes and words that sound nice, until you try to understand them.

    Then they start with the narratives, which are only supported by the MSM that creates them and pushes them. The debunking of lies never stopped a Democrat before, and that’s why Kamala y”sh will continue to blabber her unintelligible babble until election day.

  2. Hasn’t she said she wouldn’t do anything different than the past 4 years when asked how the next four years will be. So she’s a man of her principles.


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