WATCH: Ilhan Omar Rages Over Oct. 7 Atrocity Footage Being Played Outside of UCLA Encampment

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  1. Ilhan Omar is a first class anti-semite and all around horrible person. She talks pure nonsense in this clip but she does
    not rage over Oct. 7 Atrocity Footage Being Played Outside of UCLA Encampment. She does not even make any reference to that having happened.

  2. Another Subject
    Whatsapp now has the ability to create stickers. Type in “Jew” and you’ll get a picture of someone with a beard holding a dollar sign! Real built in antisemitism!

  3. did she attacked any other director or only him cause he may be jewish????
    what so peaceful about calliing for genocide of jews ,by the river to the sea is genocidal,,,,
    so to want and say erase the only jewish state in the world in front of jewish student is so very peaceful
    by the way 2 jews were killed by arabs in usa from the begining of this f war
    how many muslims were killed by jew in usa ???0 niet

  4. Just wondering why this dirty animal didn’t intorrigate the deans of the other universities that allowed the hamas animals to terrorize Jewish students.just asking for a friend


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