Watch: In Interview, Mordechai ben David Blasts Corona Panic as “Lies” and Ways for Pfizer to Make Money (Updated with MBD Response)

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Earlier today, posted a wide-ranging interview that Mordechai Ben David did with noted Israeli radio host Mr. Menachem Toker upon MBD’s 50th year in the field of Jewish music.

During the interview, MBD pulled no punches, commenting on Covid-19 and sharing what he really feels about the “pandemic.”

Those portions of the interview were omitted from the final cut of the official broadcast, but they were leaked on various social media platforms.

MBD, speaking in Hebrew, as he did the entire interview, remarked that the Covid-19 drama is full of “fabrications.”

“It’s similar the flu, but they create terror and dread,” he said. “My feeling is that it all comes down to money – money that is being made by Pfizer and others… And because of the pachad (the fear), they try to scare people into vaccinating…even children, Hashem yeracheim.

He did add later on that “whoever is directed by their rov to vaccinate should indeed vaccinate, but those who are instructed not to should not do so.”

The decision by the broadcaster not to include these comments in the final interview was made so that they should not detract or distract from the focus of the interview, which was music – specifically the 50 years of music of Mordechai ben David Werdyger.

Watch the following clip of MBD speaking of the corona hype:


UPDATE: In a statement released in Hebrew, MBD comments on the quotes regarding Covid, stating that he himself contracted corona and recovered from it, and thet he himself has received the Covid vaccine. He adds that Covid is indeed a serious matter and must be treated as such, but that he is not agreeable with the way the pandemic has been dealt with.

Read it:



    • Almost 2 years have passed and you still haven’t woken up to the lies? What’s with you? Don’t you see that the media, politicians, Biden, doctors, so-called health ministers, coronavirus, covid, faxxes, poosters are all lies? It’s all fake. It hurts me to see that Jews can be so ignorant.

  1. MBD is 100% correct.
    These misyavnim fear mongerers only want to shut down Torah and Teffila for everybody else. Wicked evil mosrim.

  2. He’s correct.
    A leading doctor in Boro park told my wife he’s against taking vaccines. He took it because he could lose his license but he warns yidden not to take it.

    • He’s no leading doctor. He’s a dumb doctor. He’d rather keep his license and die (like many other doctors with the same mentality and died within a week or two) than give up his license for truth. Had he been a leading doctor he’d tell all his patience to keep hundreds of miles from these deadly jabs.

  3. No one asked anyone to take R. MBD words to heart. He has the right to say his own opinion.
    By the way who needs these stupid BIG headlines- ”Mordechai ben David Blasts Corona Panic as “Lies” and Ways for Pfizer to Make Money”?!?!? Enough already. These are yidden! what are you doing? Nothing to do with right or wrong, whats the heter to just make news out of nothing. its a ahyla of Lashon Hara! (lets not forget to live our lives somewhat properly, there’s the next world…). Lets help spread positive news. Besuros Tovos!!

  4. some say Just One Shot and We’ll All Be Free and some say, not so fast, Hold On Just a Little Bit Longer; some say, what do you mean – Ich Hub Gevart, and some say Hineini – I Am Ready… either way we need to be Kulam Ahuvim, Ma’aminim Bnei Ma’aminim and have a bit of Unity, and takkah Someday We Will All Be Together…!


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