Watch: Israeli Treatment Cures 97% Of Coronavirus Patients

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  1. Why are they not treating patients with other therapies until these new drugs are used?

    Is there any reason why Monoclonal Antibodies are not being used for treatment in Israel? It is being used in the US with very good outcomes. Could it be that because Pfizer is studying the effectiveness of their vaccine using the Israeli population as a “testbed”, treating Covid-19 patients successfully with the Antibodies would mess up the study?

  2. Why are they not treating patients with other therapies until these new drugs are used?

    Is there any reason why Monoclonal Antibodies are not being used for treatment in Israel? It is being used in the US with very good outcomes. Could it be that because Pfizer is studying the effectiveness of their vaccine using the Israeli population as a “testbed”, treating Covid-19 patients successfully with the Antibodies would mess up the study?


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