Israel, the United States and all nearly all overreacted to the coronavirus outbreak. There was never any need to impose lockdowns, “green passports” or even mandatory vaccinations. These measures are destroying Israel’s economy and society, and even thworld’s economy and society. Only a small fraction of the Israeli people, or the peoples of other countries, have developed symptomatic coronavirus illness. And most of them have recovered. The number of deaths , proportionate to Israel’s population and those of other countries, is extremely small Only a tiny minority of Israelis are now in hostipal with coronavirus. Yes. a small number of people die of this illness. But some people die of over a thousand other illness, including influenza, every year.
Time to end the irrational panic and to allow those people who are not sick to get on with their lives, while provided the best treatments for those who are sick.
The medical community is showing it judgment is not sound. Correlation is solid for prediction. They know this but still demonstrate these findings as relevant to administering a third vaccine. That is prescriptive. Sheba is the best hospital in Israel…that says alot about the garbage coming from the Israeli health system.
Physicians who are in the front lines treating Covid patients, and academic researchers who are studying this virus around the clock, for close to two years, definitely know far less about it, or the ways to treat it than every random Adam, Avigdor, ….. and Harry in an anonymous online chat.
Israel, the United States and all nearly all overreacted to the coronavirus outbreak. There was never any need to impose lockdowns, “green passports” or even mandatory vaccinations. These measures are destroying Israel’s economy and society, and even thworld’s economy and society. Only a small fraction of the Israeli people, or the peoples of other countries, have developed symptomatic coronavirus illness. And most of them have recovered. The number of deaths , proportionate to Israel’s population and those of other countries, is extremely small Only a tiny minority of Israelis are now in hostipal with coronavirus. Yes. a small number of people die of this illness. But some people die of over a thousand other illness, including influenza, every year.
Time to end the irrational panic and to allow those people who are not sick to get on with their lives, while provided the best treatments for those who are sick.
Can I get the third shot before I take the first two? I’ve the idea due to the anti vaccine
The medical community is showing it judgment is not sound. Correlation is solid for prediction. They know this but still demonstrate these findings as relevant to administering a third vaccine. That is prescriptive. Sheba is the best hospital in Israel…that says alot about the garbage coming from the Israeli health system.
Physicians who are in the front lines treating Covid patients, and academic researchers who are studying this virus around the clock, for close to two years, definitely know far less about it, or the ways to treat it than every random Adam, Avigdor, ….. and Harry in an anonymous online chat.