Watch: Kyle Rittenhouse: I Didn’t Do Anything Wrong, I Defended Myself

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  1. I googled this to see the facts of the Rittenhouse case. Based on the footage he was clearly running away from the mob. The were closing in on him so he turned around and fired. Sure seems like self defense. Of course he shouldn’t have been there to begin with but that is also true about the people he shot

    • If you follow the case and the desperate and disastrous prosecution it is clear that he wil be acquitted. This has been political from day one. This will be a win and a message to the left wing media; they can try and paint anyone with conservative principals as a white supremacist but america is smarter than that.

  2. There’s absolutely no question that he acted in self defence,
    the prosecution, however, can still try to argue that he brought about a situation that could force him to act in defence.

    I’m not sure what penalty that would bring, but in a fair world, that should be the prosecution’s only feasible angle, at best (for them).

  3. I’m still waiting for Adam Schiff to apologize to the American taxpayers for all the time and money he wasted with his Russian collision hoax!


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