Watch: Latest Video from Dr. Zev Zelenko

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Some notes from the video:

-Returning to society, you should have a blood test documenting immunity using FDA-approved tests for antibodies that will be commercially available this week

-You should be looking for IGG antibodies, which means you most likely recovered or are recovering and are immune and won’t get the infection again-

The doctor will be publishing a study next week in a top journal documenting the data of 1,450 patients seen by his practice. 405 were treated (with 3 drugs, HCQ, Zinc), 2 patients passed away, 4 are off respirators. 5-6 were admitted with pneumonia and most are back home.



  1. One thing i like about him is his anivus and emuna throughout the whole thing. Other yiddishe drs came across as כוחי ועוצם ידי עשה לי את החיל הזה, and you MUST listen to ME because I am a dr.

  2. It’s clear why the professional medical world thinks he’s a sham. Where’s the double blind control group? How does it compare to the treated patients? He previously said he was selecting patients for the medication regimen based on risk. That means there’s no objective control group. Looking forward to watching his ‘study’ be dissected by actual scientists.

  3. A Dr. first treat his patients and, in this case, thinks about an official study later as it would take 1-2 years to be published on medical journal. This pandemic doesn’t allow the time for this.


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