WATCH: Let’s Talk Kashrus: Home Is Where The Hashgacha Is

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Navigating the halachic issues of home food businesses. 

Join us as we listen in to a conversation between R’ Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan of Agudas Yisroel of Illinois and Rav of Agudas Yisroel of Peterson Park, and R’ Yitzchok Hisiger.


View it in its entirety at

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  1. The Mashgiach should have an idea about the areas cleanliness requirements as well as Kashrus. When a Mashgiach goes into a home and sees a “chazer shtahl” he should immediately revoke the hashgocho. I have found “foreign objects” in commercially packaged frozen foods. It was enough to turn your stomach. I also found a petrified bug in a can of Green Giant peas with an O-U. Something like that can’t be prevented. I’m glad that I saw the bug before I ate it. It should be the responsibility of the person who is preparing the food product to know food preparation hygiene but the Mashgiach should also be on the lookout for cockroaches, rats and vermin. An infested home should not get a hashgocho. A filthy commercial restaurant or food establishment or packaged food provider should lose their hasgocho if they are infested or just plain filthy.

  2. Bishul Akum
    Hafroshas Challah
    Bedikas Tola’im
    Israeli Products/Produce
    Deliveries; Basar (gevinah, dagim, chalav) she’nishlach b’yidei Akum

    These are just a few of the issues that are very relevant.

  3. It is noteworthy that the Rav did not mention the use of wireless cameras for the 2:00 am scenario. These are widely used in many a food service (i.e. restaurant and catering establishment) and food production plant. The use of these cameras would, of course, be limited to the “separate/designated” kitchen mentioned. But they should be included.


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