Watch: Media Commentator Ben Shapiro Joins Yaakov Shwekey on Stage at Chanukah Concert

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  1. Why is Schweky wearing a light colored jacket and an even lighter pair of slacks? Doesn’t he have children to marry off? If you don’t wear strictly black wool pants, there is no way your child can get a good top-tier shidduch.

    • if thats the case, i’d take 2nd tier any day of the week. Besides, 2nd tier boy might actually (GASP) be educated and have a job.

    • re “fat leitzim”. are you aware of “mitzva gedola liyos besimacha tamid?”
      anything enjoyable is immediately banned. The biggest problem with yiddishkeit today
      so they run to the gedolim with every issue. It’s a beautiful world out there. Get out
      once in a while and enjoy it.


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