Watch: New Music Video: The Man From Vilna – Shulem and Yanky Lemmer

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Brothers Shulem and Yanky Lemmer join together for a heart wrenching yet empowering duet. The Man From Vilna, written by Abie Rotenberg, serves as an everlasting reminder that “the Jewish people will live on.”

Recorded in benefit of, an organization dedicated to serving individuals in times of personal and collective crisis.

Originally performed by Journeys
Music produced by Aryeh Kunstler
Piano by Yitzy Spinner
Strings arranged and performed by Earl Maneein
Video by William Murray
Pianist in video: Aryeh Kunstler
Mixed and mastered by Aryeh Kunstler



  1. I have heard this song many times growing up, but this rendition was the most powerful one that I have ever heard!
    It made me visualize the story told in the song more so than any other version that I have heard! Thank you to both Lemmer brothers for giving this inspirational performance, and may you go mechayil el chayil, and have hatzlocha rabba in all of your endeavors!


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