By the tone of your comment I see that you would rather vote for no one than vote for a Republican. Go ahead MAD take the plunge, vote Republican. You’ll feel better after you do. As a matter of fact, if your vote is successful then your whole state will feel better too.
That Frum/Orthodox Jews are moral God fearing people/Nation and will not throw their values out the window just to vote for some lowlife pervert reprobate, regardless of a few stinkin dollars they may or may not get. How’s that? Are we embarrassed to follow what the Torah says?! Do we have to apologize for our morality? To we have to bend over backwards to placate those that the Torah calls Toaiva???!
Aren’t you ashamed to go against the Aibishter? Mee Lashem Eiluy?
Why did you censor/delete/splice/sanitize my comment about so-called askanim who are commanding us to vote this way or that way? Are they better than you and me? Are they untouchable? Must we bow down and worship them? Who anointed them to represent me? Must we walk in lockstep with whatever they say? I’m not understanding why Matzav is covering up for them.
Both these candidates are immoral garbage. Don’t vote for either one.
By the tone of your comment I see that you would rather vote for no one than vote for a Republican. Go ahead MAD take the plunge, vote Republican. You’ll feel better after you do. As a matter of fact, if your vote is successful then your whole state will feel better too.
and that accomplishes what exactly?
That Frum/Orthodox Jews are moral God fearing people/Nation and will not throw their values out the window just to vote for some lowlife pervert reprobate, regardless of a few stinkin dollars they may or may not get. How’s that? Are we embarrassed to follow what the Torah says?! Do we have to apologize for our morality? To we have to bend over backwards to placate those that the Torah calls Toaiva???!
Aren’t you ashamed to go against the Aibishter? Mee Lashem Eiluy?
Why did you censor/delete/splice/sanitize my comment about so-called askanim who are commanding us to vote this way or that way? Are they better than you and me? Are they untouchable? Must we bow down and worship them? Who anointed them to represent me? Must we walk in lockstep with whatever they say? I’m not understanding why Matzav is covering up for them.