It is the minyanim that are making people sick and putting them into the hospital in the first place. Once there, then…..
BTW, this is DEFINITELY not happening in the NJ hospital where I work. Most of the doctors and nurses are bending over backwards and putting their own health at risk to help the patients in any way possible: trying different types of therapies (both chemical and physical, such as prone positioning); using assorted oxygen modalities (Nonrebreather masks, Hi-Flow, BiPAP and CPAP on a closed system, etc.); avoiding intubation if at all possible; and responding to and participating in full codes. And, when nothing seems to work, they are also holding patients’ hands as they, lo oleinu, lay dying, so the patient should not die alone.
my wife recently had a baby and Bh was not in the hospital for covid19. But I can attest to the poor care and careless nurses who often prescribed wrong medicine to a regular healthy birth. Bh my wife was strong enough to talk up and fight them. ( I was not allowed in after delivery ) . This is not my first child and this has been by far the pits . Everything this girl says is true and then some . It’s very scary .
This is so true. I was talking to a big person that deals with Doctors and hospitals this past Friday, and he told me these exact words that you just heard. He said that we have to make an uproar and demand accoutability from the hospitals in New York!!!
I know of one patient myself, that went in to the hospital, and they said that she had the virus. She was doing great, but she was old and she couldn’t eat, so they were waiting for a feeding tube to be put in. The son in law told me, that she will starve from starvation before anything else. Well queasy what she died the next day, and the hospital says it was from the virus. But I have a question for the hospital, if you don’t give a patient food, DO YOU THINK THEY WILL LIVE???????
Unfortunately it will be an uphill battle ,Coumo recently made an executive order attached to a funding bill that exonerates all Hospital from being sued for negligence during corona , Coumo may have a hand in this strange depopulation
‘Plandemic ‘
By the way thIS NEW LAW one cannot sue the hospitals was also voted on in assembly in both houses and even boro park members cooperated because they received Big funding for certain Mosdos so they looked away !. The hospitals now had no fear and locked out everyone and did as they pleased AND NEGLECTED AND MURDERED with out any fear.But since then the rule Now has been changed and today they possibly do allow a family member in so not to force the intubated people die alone .
Maybe people should Sue so to expose the guilty hospitals and prevent future tragedy’s even though it will LIKLEY be dismissed because of the Coumo Law but at least they will be EXPOSED
100% true and sadly not only in NYC; it’s hospitals throughout the US and the rest of the world who have become horror stories. Some hospitals are still safe. Many chareidim who were taken to the hospital with pneumonia were almost about to be released but the hospital decided to hook them onto ventilators (after all, $39,000 income for the hospital for each ventilator is not something to throw away) and voila! the patient died within a few hours.
There’s good reason that Hatzallah are b”H taking over and assisting the sick at home and trying to convince their patients not to go to the hospital where they might be murdered.
Just last week a young woman reported the following from one of the NY hospitals:
Patient with coronavirus reported that she and other patients were murdered at a New York hospital with a lethal injection.
NEW YORK.- A woman from the Dominican Republic infected with Covid-19 left a voice message before dying, in a New York hospital. She stated that they are killing the sick with an injection that they give them to get rid of them quickly
Gertrudis Taveras, a native of Santo Domingo, lived in Brooklyn and was diagnosed with the coronavirus, so she was admitted to a hospital where she died.
Before she died, the 49-year-old woman sent a voice message to a relative of hers, who is also her compadre, in which she states that all the patients who were with her died after being injected.
In the message, in a tearful voice, Gertrudis explains that she was also injected and shows resignation, because she knew that she would die like the others who were confined with her in that hospital.
No news… They switched their whole protocal to rules pretaining to pandemics. But they left out the fact that were in 2020 and there are solutions and they dont need to panic. The hospitals went into panic mode. To not even consider food or drink from protocal shows that they couldn’t handle the barest and most minimum part of running this operation. I blame Cuomo; he talks a lot so to cover up his lack of preparedness in the beginning. The whole world was readying themselves for this monster virus and he was still sleeping. Now he is talking lot and loud to cover himself.
Not allowing family members was ONLY so they can do what they want. There’s one man that was nifter; or killed by the name of Tzvi Dov Itzkowitz. His roommate another heimish guy who was bh released at the end witness the treatment of Tzvi Dov; he begged they should NOT put him on a respirator; he knew good and well that that spells his end. But they refused. THey also refused to call his doctor. He begged they should talk to his regular doctor before; they refused! THey forced it onto him and when they did. THe nurse at one point came in and says: “All this is happening because of your synagogues”….. These are the people working and running the hospitals..
This young woman should be lauded for her COURAGE AND BRAVERY.
We ALL have an IMMEDIATE OBLIGATION to have this video sent to Gov. Andrew Cumou and Dr. Zuker. There must be serious accountability and a screening system set up such that patients aren’t left to suffer under barbaric conditions. Ignoring this video and not getting it to the Gov. is a serious transgression of “Lo Sa’amod Al Dam Raiecha”.
$13,000 for each corona patient + who knows how many thousands of dollars for each death. Patient dies, room for new $13,000 corona patient. And if the patient needs a ventilator – which they make sure that most should need it – they get an extra $39,000 !!!!! Believe it or not, as was reported in Fox News.
The way the video makes it sounds, complete incompetence and carelessness. They don’t know what they are doing and are just following directives from people whose agenda is to get through as many patients as possible without actually doing any real “doctor” work. So all patients are treated the same, despite the fact most require a different setting or mixture or drug than the one supplied on a cookie-cutter basis.
This is sad but not surprising in this disintegrating world.. . I don’t live in NYC BH but I know the “wonderful” care I got at one of the Brooklyn hospitals when I lived there years ago and had a baby. The experience was extremely traumatizing… Brooklyn does not have American standards, lets face it. It is a third world country unfortunately.. and it has long been missing the charm and heimish character of the past…. Sad.
What boggled tje mijd is how entrenched we are into USA and it’s education and culture that we cannot fathom what is happening….just like the German Jewe. Remember our history when the Germans were taking our people to “work” camps that would be a vacation and help to them. Remember the cheerful postcards that Jews left behind received painting a picture of how nice the camps were. And kpre Jews die not resist registering and stepping up on the trains. Chevra, that is the state of hospitals today!!! For elderly, many hospitals have been doing this for a while, including Mt. Sinai. And when I would scream it folks would say, But they are the educayed doctors”. Just as the Holocaust victims said…but they are the civilized German. Care at home! Set up heimishe hospitals. Do not trust them with lives. As Abraham said when wuesionee why he thought he would be murdered “ach Ayn yiras Elokim bamakom hazeh”. When G-d is not feared, yes rhey murder. They convince families that patients cannot tolerate food or water and then starve them to death, create medical crisis by giving harmful supplements and then asking for emergency authorizations for ports, vents, dialysis, amputations (maimo did that to a patient they killed by medical error -first they perforated his insides in a routine screenings, then vented him wrong, and then literally hacked off hiss limbs to “save them” as he lay dying). Take off your blinders, chevra
Covid gave them license to do what they were doing on a way grander and quicker rate. Read up on the dying wirh dignity movement and see how mt.sinai was one of the seeded programs with grants to encourage the elderly to die.
did anyone else see the picture of a peace of paper that was found in a niftar’s pocket that said “i died of hunger not from corona”
i think all Doctors and nurses need to make a stand, after this is all over they’re not going to feel to good about themselves knowing that so many people have died because of they’re recklessness
Anyone who compares the deaths per million residents of New York State compared to other states can see that this is the case. Especially with states that have similar numbers of cases per million.
Not only in NY but in every chareidi neighborhood WORLDWIDE: Monroe, London, Bnei Brak, Yerushalayim, Montreal, Tosh, etc. Why? Because “they” (the invisible enemy) spread the virus from their labs targeting religious Jews, the most vocal supporters President Trump. Then they’ll be able to blame the Jews for causing the virus because they had so many cases.
Report was put together by Russian Trolls to help King Trump bid to win the next Presidential Elections. Bad news for you: Biden is going to win it this time.
Your Kung Trump messed up big time and he cannot be resurrect again. He’s going to be a one time King!
not sure why trump or biden have to do with any of this. the facts are that new york hospitals are killing their patients and that you (addy johnson) need to grow up like the troll very well said. that’s the only to things that i’ve learned from this conversation
You are saying that it makes no sense that someone who is not fed will starve? And that such is especially dangerous (takes a shorter time to die for lack of ingested food) when one is older, sick, and/or have such medical conditions as diabetes? If you mean something else, you have to be more specific. And by the way, what this video is saying about ventilator/oxygen problem is the same problem noted by such people as Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell and Dr. Reuben Strayer (the latter on an on-line blog in scientificamerican web site).
As I responded to someone else, you have to be more specific. Exactly what “makes absolutely no sense”. And as I had noted, this video is saying about ventilator/oxygen problem is the same problem noted by such people as Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell and Dr. Reuben Strayer (the latter on an on-line blog in scientificamerican web site). You can google the names and read the articles yourself.
i’m a medical professional and if you want i could tell you. makes total sense, you don’t go from a nc to intubation unless patient codes. first try nrb and in such a case cpap or bipap. intubation is very aggressive. now a days people have one thought process and that is OH MY GOSH HE HAS CORONA instead of looking at the patient and saying hmm he’s hypoxic lets up his oxygen.
but you cant blame the thought process after everyone is talking about it so much it seems a lot scarier then it is.
about the not changing ppe if thats true heads will role you cant not change your gloves in between patients, forget legally, morally, knowing that you have just touched someone with a disease and your now going into another patient and will likely give that patient that disease becasue news flash corona is contagious!!
Some nurses have no compassion they really should not be nurses it sounds like they just don’t care it’s very sad it’s time for all of us to wake up and stand up for our fellow people and all of humanity
Anyone who is knowledgeable about medicine understands the reasons for these protocols. I am sure there is some neglect but this kind of post is dangerous
This is a killing field and I wonder if this guaranteed lack of accountability to families is allowing some staff to choose which “patient groups” they are going to conveniently ignore and allow to die. There are nurses who have posted on chat groups their disdain /dislike for certain groups of patients.
I’m confused. Isn’t this what we were warned will happened if we don’t quarantine and flatten the curve fast enough??? The number of patients have gone past what the medical field can handle, which is why they cannot do what would usually would be done to promote life.
Why the surprise??
From the front lines: A blend of truths, half truths and complete fiction. This is way more complicated then she can imagine. I suggest she come and help us on the front lines. Perhaps together we can figure this out.
It has now been shown n two studies that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin cause serious side effects and increase mortality in seriously ill COVID19 patients. This does not address the other very serious concerns raised in this video.
The VA study was garbage. It was not a study at all. Just statistics compiled from patients. It conceded in the report that patients who received Hydroxy, were more likely to have been in worse condition to begin with than those who did not, as hydroxy was only being given for compassionate use. You don’t need to be an M.D. to see the obvious
think for a minute what financial gain does this young woman or her friend have
think about all the defenders of the hospitals and what they have to gain
these horror stories are true
most of the people died of neglect
shame on the hospitals
I can back this up with so so many stories of people who were hospitalized and reported exactly as she says.
And if anyone has ever given birth in a certain hospital which shall remain nameless, and had ANY kind of complications other than bounce right back to yourself, you will know that this is nothing new.
My brother in law is a hatzolah medic in Brooklyn and it’s not a secret that he won’t transport patients to specific hospitals now for precisely this reason.
His mother is unwell now and he took her to a different out of the way hospital and when I asked why. ,the response was that he wants her to live. How sad that most people who entered specific NYC hospitals with covid19 had their death sentences written for them the minute they were admitted…for shame! This isn’t a scam…this lady knows what she’s talking about!
Dr. Shoshana Synder, that risk is not that great actually. A patient with a heart condition who took the Zelenko protocol was monitored the whole time. The cardiologist was way more concerned that an electrolyte imbalance would tip him over ..and not so concerned as you with that combo. So if the hospitals are not monitoring electrolytes properly, and reports deaths that they then say is the hydrochloriquine , you can scare folks from taking it….and that druf has saved many lives at this point. Oh. Yeah. Not researched enough? That’s because folks don’t want it researched where it works, which is in the community preventing the hospitalizations.
Unfortunately, from here we learn a lesson that every Jewish community especially the large ones, should make hospitals run by frum people going foward. In addition, if chas visholom there is a second wave, the Jewish world should try to follow isreals approach, contact tracing and containment (Bloomberg trying to do it on a million people is a joke, it should have been done right away), people that had contact with others who had the virus or who have some symptons should be quarentiened for 2 weeks and be serious about it even without police enforcement, maybe even set up a “hotel” for them. In the last month and a half, people that had relatives who had the virus still went to stores, a minority of people that still had low symptoms still go to minyanim (saying everyone has it anyways), no one getting a negative before going back out (a relative even went back to work in a hospital without getting a negative. Ludicrous American policy!) Even without police enforcing as in Israel, communities should set up that if one person in a family gets, whoever came in contact should quirentine, people will bring what they need. May Hashem watch over klal yisrael!
Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
You can listen to Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell here. He worked in the ICU and realized they may be treating patients wrong. His colleagues were not interested in listening to what he had to say. He had to step down from the ICU because he could not “morally” continue to follow hospital protocol.
PS When they come out with a vaccine for coronavirus, and the CDC, the W.H.O., and all the doctors will tell you it is “safe and effective” remember what happened in March and April 2020.
Yes this is true. However in NY in April 10, 202 Cumo passed a law that allows anyone who has a baby, dementia, or someone with special needs to go to the hospital with them. Make sure that any of the above people never go alone.
Sounds like she is not very knowledgeable on the situation. Some of the things she said don’t really make sense. Some of it sounds like it could be stories of when it first hit. When the virus hit the US they were using a more quick to ventilator strategy. But as we are learning more about the virus we are finding better solutions. Lots of places have since changed to a high flow oxygen like vapotherm of I’ve even heard of hospitals using scuba masks with 3D printed oxygen attachments to help deliver higher concentration of oxygen and keep the peep lower.
Sounds like she is not very knowledgeable on the situation. Some of the things she said don’t really make sense. Some of it sounds like it could be stories of when it first hit. When the virus hit the US they were using a more quick to ventilator strategy. But as we are learning more about the virus we are finding better solutions. Lots of places have since changed to a high flow oxygen like vapotherm of I’ve even heard of hospitals using scuba masks with 3D printed oxygen attachments to help deliver higher concentration of oxygen and keep the peep lower.
This was an attack on America from China and Israel. The war has started ladies and gentlemen. America has strategic assets all over the world setting this up so it ends quick. God bless Donald Trump and God bless the United States of America
I believe her. I was an ICU nurse for a long time and I have seen probably all of the things she stated but it looks like it’s all happening quickly without correction. When I saw it, it was usually immediately corrected if possible. The culture must be that of horrible respect for nurses. In the ICU, the nurse should be the boss. I wish I could give her a big hug!! She makes total sense.
And here we are being brainwashed that its the minyanim thats killing everyone……
Only those who believe fake news blindly can believe such stupidity.
It is the minyanim that are making people sick and putting them into the hospital in the first place. Once there, then…..
BTW, this is DEFINITELY not happening in the NJ hospital where I work. Most of the doctors and nurses are bending over backwards and putting their own health at risk to help the patients in any way possible: trying different types of therapies (both chemical and physical, such as prone positioning); using assorted oxygen modalities (Nonrebreather masks, Hi-Flow, BiPAP and CPAP on a closed system, etc.); avoiding intubation if at all possible; and responding to and participating in full codes. And, when nothing seems to work, they are also holding patients’ hands as they, lo oleinu, lay dying, so the patient should not die alone.
Thats why NJ has far less deaths
my wife recently had a baby and Bh was not in the hospital for covid19. But I can attest to the poor care and careless nurses who often prescribed wrong medicine to a regular healthy birth. Bh my wife was strong enough to talk up and fight them. ( I was not allowed in after delivery ) . This is not my first child and this has been by far the pits . Everything this girl says is true and then some . It’s very scary .
This is a silent Holocaust
Many stories are yet to be told
So sad
This is so true. I was talking to a big person that deals with Doctors and hospitals this past Friday, and he told me these exact words that you just heard. He said that we have to make an uproar and demand accoutability from the hospitals in New York!!!
I know of one patient myself, that went in to the hospital, and they said that she had the virus. She was doing great, but she was old and she couldn’t eat, so they were waiting for a feeding tube to be put in. The son in law told me, that she will starve from starvation before anything else. Well queasy what she died the next day, and the hospital says it was from the virus. But I have a question for the hospital, if you don’t give a patient food, DO YOU THINK THEY WILL LIVE???????
Unfortunately it will be an uphill battle ,Coumo recently made an executive order attached to a funding bill that exonerates all Hospital from being sued for negligence during corona , Coumo may have a hand in this strange depopulation
‘Plandemic ‘
By the way thIS NEW LAW one cannot sue the hospitals was also voted on in assembly in both houses and even boro park members cooperated because they received Big funding for certain Mosdos so they looked away !. The hospitals now had no fear and locked out everyone and did as they pleased AND NEGLECTED AND MURDERED with out any fear.But since then the rule Now has been changed and today they possibly do allow a family member in so not to force the intubated people die alone .
Maybe people should Sue so to expose the guilty hospitals and prevent future tragedy’s even though it will LIKLEY be dismissed because of the Coumo Law but at least they will be EXPOSED
Now informed askanim feel that people should sue because you cannot legislate murder so save evrey detail and all documents now .
That explains why 90% of vent patients die in NYC
Their killing ppl i second that
100% true and sadly not only in NYC; it’s hospitals throughout the US and the rest of the world who have become horror stories. Some hospitals are still safe. Many chareidim who were taken to the hospital with pneumonia were almost about to be released but the hospital decided to hook them onto ventilators (after all, $39,000 income for the hospital for each ventilator is not something to throw away) and voila! the patient died within a few hours.
There’s good reason that Hatzallah are b”H taking over and assisting the sick at home and trying to convince their patients not to go to the hospital where they might be murdered.
Just last week a young woman reported the following from one of the NY hospitals:
Patient with coronavirus reported that she and other patients were murdered at a New York hospital with a lethal injection.
NEW YORK.- A woman from the Dominican Republic infected with Covid-19 left a voice message before dying, in a New York hospital. She stated that they are killing the sick with an injection that they give them to get rid of them quickly
Gertrudis Taveras, a native of Santo Domingo, lived in Brooklyn and was diagnosed with the coronavirus, so she was admitted to a hospital where she died.
Before she died, the 49-year-old woman sent a voice message to a relative of hers, who is also her compadre, in which she states that all the patients who were with her died after being injected.
In the message, in a tearful voice, Gertrudis explains that she was also injected and shows resignation, because she knew that she would die like the others who were confined with her in that hospital.
The audio was posted on social media by the victim’s cousin’s husband, who calls on people with relatives in New York hospitals to be vigilant about how their relatives die.
No news… They switched their whole protocal to rules pretaining to pandemics. But they left out the fact that were in 2020 and there are solutions and they dont need to panic. The hospitals went into panic mode. To not even consider food or drink from protocal shows that they couldn’t handle the barest and most minimum part of running this operation. I blame Cuomo; he talks a lot so to cover up his lack of preparedness in the beginning. The whole world was readying themselves for this monster virus and he was still sleeping. Now he is talking lot and loud to cover himself.
Not allowing family members was ONLY so they can do what they want. There’s one man that was nifter; or killed by the name of Tzvi Dov Itzkowitz. His roommate another heimish guy who was bh released at the end witness the treatment of Tzvi Dov; he begged they should NOT put him on a respirator; he knew good and well that that spells his end. But they refused. THey also refused to call his doctor. He begged they should talk to his regular doctor before; they refused! THey forced it onto him and when they did. THe nurse at one point came in and says: “All this is happening because of your synagogues”….. These are the people working and running the hospitals..
This is the reason why many gedolim add ה’ ינקום דמם for those who died in the hospitals these weeks. May Hashem avenge their blood.
Really, who are those gedolim? List their names, or you are spreading fake news.
Hshem Yinkom Domom, Why do you need a”Godol:” for this do you need a Godol to say Asher Yatzar?
This young woman should be lauded for her COURAGE AND BRAVERY.
We ALL have an IMMEDIATE OBLIGATION to have this video sent to Gov. Andrew Cumou and Dr. Zuker. There must be serious accountability and a screening system set up such that patients aren’t left to suffer under barbaric conditions. Ignoring this video and not getting it to the Gov. is a serious transgression of “Lo Sa’amod Al Dam Raiecha”.
Yes True Heroes!
why would they kill
$13,000 for each corona patient + who knows how many thousands of dollars for each death. Patient dies, room for new $13,000 corona patient. And if the patient needs a ventilator – which they make sure that most should need it – they get an extra $39,000 !!!!! Believe it or not, as was reported in Fox News.
sems like these guys know what thay r tallking about
google it
> david icke alex jones<
The way the video makes it sounds, complete incompetence and carelessness. They don’t know what they are doing and are just following directives from people whose agenda is to get through as many patients as possible without actually doing any real “doctor” work. So all patients are treated the same, despite the fact most require a different setting or mixture or drug than the one supplied on a cookie-cutter basis.
Just the opposite it is extremely articulate and very believable
and has the feel of truth!
Not carelessness and neglect but downright murder and this should be possible to sue because no law can let you murder!
This is sad but not surprising in this disintegrating world.. . I don’t live in NYC BH but I know the “wonderful” care I got at one of the Brooklyn hospitals when I lived there years ago and had a baby. The experience was extremely traumatizing… Brooklyn does not have American standards, lets face it. It is a third world country unfortunately.. and it has long been missing the charm and heimish character of the past…. Sad.
Wait for the lawsuits, now they are getting money from the government, some nurses will testify.
טוב שברופאים לגיהנום
This is totally based on hearsay, absolutely no first hand knowledge in the entire clip.
You must live in a cave if you haven’t heard of LOADS of these stories firsthand – not only in NY but worldwide.
so what can we do??
What can be done
What boggled tje mijd is how entrenched we are into USA and it’s education and culture that we cannot fathom what is happening….just like the German Jewe. Remember our history when the Germans were taking our people to “work” camps that would be a vacation and help to them. Remember the cheerful postcards that Jews left behind received painting a picture of how nice the camps were. And kpre Jews die not resist registering and stepping up on the trains. Chevra, that is the state of hospitals today!!! For elderly, many hospitals have been doing this for a while, including Mt. Sinai. And when I would scream it folks would say, But they are the educayed doctors”. Just as the Holocaust victims said…but they are the civilized German. Care at home! Set up heimishe hospitals. Do not trust them with lives. As Abraham said when wuesionee why he thought he would be murdered “ach Ayn yiras Elokim bamakom hazeh”. When G-d is not feared, yes rhey murder. They convince families that patients cannot tolerate food or water and then starve them to death, create medical crisis by giving harmful supplements and then asking for emergency authorizations for ports, vents, dialysis, amputations (maimo did that to a patient they killed by medical error -first they perforated his insides in a routine screenings, then vented him wrong, and then literally hacked off hiss limbs to “save them” as he lay dying). Take off your blinders, chevra
Covid gave them license to do what they were doing on a way grander and quicker rate. Read up on the dying wirh dignity movement and see how mt.sinai was one of the seeded programs with grants to encourage the elderly to die.
did anyone else see the picture of a peace of paper that was found in a niftar’s pocket that said “i died of hunger not from corona”
i think all Doctors and nurses need to make a stand, after this is all over they’re not going to feel to good about themselves knowing that so many people have died because of they’re recklessness
It’s all true. I was in ____________ last week on the covid floor.. My grandmother died. NO staff its eerily empty.
Anyone who compares the deaths per million residents of New York State compared to other states can see that this is the case. Especially with states that have similar numbers of cases per million.
For example, according to New York has 22% more cases per million than New Jersey (14, 985 vs 12,277) but 70% more deaths per million (1,135 vs 670).
The real issue is why?
Not only in NY but in every chareidi neighborhood WORLDWIDE: Monroe, London, Bnei Brak, Yerushalayim, Montreal, Tosh, etc. Why? Because “they” (the invisible enemy) spread the virus from their labs targeting religious Jews, the most vocal supporters President Trump. Then they’ll be able to blame the Jews for causing the virus because they had so many cases.
She is right.
Report was put together by Russian Trolls to help King Trump bid to win the next Presidential Elections. Bad news for you: Biden is going to win it this time.
Your Kung Trump messed up big time and he cannot be resurrect again. He’s going to be a one time King!
If you have nothing mature to add to a serious conversation, go back to those other hate websites. This is not for babies.
not sure why trump or biden have to do with any of this. the facts are that new york hospitals are killing their patients and that you (addy johnson) need to grow up like the troll very well said. that’s the only to things that i’ve learned from this conversation
Spoke to my sister who is a very intelligent nurse what this lady is saying doesn’t make any sense
You are saying that it makes no sense that someone who is not fed will starve? And that such is especially dangerous (takes a shorter time to die for lack of ingested food) when one is older, sick, and/or have such medical conditions as diabetes? If you mean something else, you have to be more specific. And by the way, what this video is saying about ventilator/oxygen problem is the same problem noted by such people as Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell and Dr. Reuben Strayer (the latter on an on-line blog in scientificamerican web site).
Butcher shops!
This is not true at all anyone with medical knowledge will tell you what she is saying makes absolutely no sense
You and 12:06 and 12:13 if they’re not all you should stick with CNN and WaPo Fake News. Real stuff are not for shallow minded sheeple.
As I responded to someone else, you have to be more specific. Exactly what “makes absolutely no sense”. And as I had noted, this video is saying about ventilator/oxygen problem is the same problem noted by such people as Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell and Dr. Reuben Strayer (the latter on an on-line blog in scientificamerican web site). You can google the names and read the articles yourself.
i’m a medical professional and if you want i could tell you. makes total sense, you don’t go from a nc to intubation unless patient codes. first try nrb and in such a case cpap or bipap. intubation is very aggressive. now a days people have one thought process and that is OH MY GOSH HE HAS CORONA instead of looking at the patient and saying hmm he’s hypoxic lets up his oxygen.
but you cant blame the thought process after everyone is talking about it so much it seems a lot scarier then it is.
about the not changing ppe if thats true heads will role you cant not change your gloves in between patients, forget legally, morally, knowing that you have just touched someone with a disease and your now going into another patient and will likely give that patient that disease becasue news flash corona is contagious!!
Some nurses have no compassion they really should not be nurses it sounds like they just don’t care it’s very sad it’s time for all of us to wake up and stand up for our fellow people and all of humanity
Anyone who is knowledgeable about medicine understands the reasons for these protocols. I am sure there is some neglect but this kind of post is dangerous
Just the opposite its dangerous not to post !
People are being Murdered , ah shondah to say this!
This is a killing field and I wonder if this guaranteed lack of accountability to families is allowing some staff to choose which “patient groups” they are going to conveniently ignore and allow to die. There are nurses who have posted on chat groups their disdain /dislike for certain groups of patients.
I’m confused. Isn’t this what we were warned will happened if we don’t quarantine and flatten the curve fast enough??? The number of patients have gone past what the medical field can handle, which is why they cannot do what would usually would be done to promote life.
Why the surprise??
The overflow hospitals were fully staffed, yet virtually empty.
From the front lines: A blend of truths, half truths and complete fiction. This is way more complicated then she can imagine. I suggest she come and help us on the front lines. Perhaps together we can figure this out.
It has now been shown n two studies that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin cause serious side effects and increase mortality in seriously ill COVID19 patients. This does not address the other very serious concerns raised in this video.
The VA study was garbage. It was not a study at all. Just statistics compiled from patients. It conceded in the report that patients who received Hydroxy, were more likely to have been in worse condition to begin with than those who did not, as hydroxy was only being given for compassionate use. You don’t need to be an M.D. to see the obvious
think for a minute what financial gain does this young woman or her friend have
think about all the defenders of the hospitals and what they have to gain
these horror stories are true
most of the people died of neglect
shame on the hospitals
Dr. Sydell’s Video is available on Real Clear Politics
I can back this up with so so many stories of people who were hospitalized and reported exactly as she says.
And if anyone has ever given birth in a certain hospital which shall remain nameless, and had ANY kind of complications other than bounce right back to yourself, you will know that this is nothing new.
My brother in law is a hatzolah medic in Brooklyn and it’s not a secret that he won’t transport patients to specific hospitals now for precisely this reason.
His mother is unwell now and he took her to a different out of the way hospital and when I asked why. ,the response was that he wants her to live. How sad that most people who entered specific NYC hospitals with covid19 had their death sentences written for them the minute they were admitted…for shame! This isn’t a scam…this lady knows what she’s talking about!
Dr. Shoshana Synder, that risk is not that great actually. A patient with a heart condition who took the Zelenko protocol was monitored the whole time. The cardiologist was way more concerned that an electrolyte imbalance would tip him over ..and not so concerned as you with that combo. So if the hospitals are not monitoring electrolytes properly, and reports deaths that they then say is the hydrochloriquine , you can scare folks from taking it….and that druf has saved many lives at this point. Oh. Yeah. Not researched enough? That’s because folks don’t want it researched where it works, which is in the community preventing the hospitalizations.
my friend was in the hospital and he was being completely neglected, he spoke to hatzolah and they took him out of the hospital
Unfortunately, from here we learn a lesson that every Jewish community especially the large ones, should make hospitals run by frum people going foward. In addition, if chas visholom there is a second wave, the Jewish world should try to follow isreals approach, contact tracing and containment (Bloomberg trying to do it on a million people is a joke, it should have been done right away), people that had contact with others who had the virus or who have some symptons should be quarentiened for 2 weeks and be serious about it even without police enforcement, maybe even set up a “hotel” for them. In the last month and a half, people that had relatives who had the virus still went to stores, a minority of people that still had low symptoms still go to minyanim (saying everyone has it anyways), no one getting a negative before going back out (a relative even went back to work in a hospital without getting a negative. Ludicrous American policy!) Even without police enforcing as in Israel, communities should set up that if one person in a family gets, whoever came in contact should quirentine, people will bring what they need. May Hashem watch over klal yisrael!
its true. i also heard about the injecti
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread (Virology Journal 2005)
Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
You can listen to Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell here. He worked in the ICU and realized they may be treating patients wrong. His colleagues were not interested in listening to what he had to say. He had to step down from the ICU because he could not “morally” continue to follow hospital protocol.
He was vindicated by a recent NIH report that said protocols related to ventilators should be changed for some patients:
PS When they come out with a vaccine for coronavirus, and the CDC, the W.H.O., and all the doctors will tell you it is “safe and effective” remember what happened in March and April 2020.
Yes this is true. However in NY in April 10, 202 Cumo passed a law that allows anyone who has a baby, dementia, or someone with special needs to go to the hospital with them. Make sure that any of the above people never go alone.
You know something? If you believe this, why don’t you avoid getting sick?
Sounds like she is not very knowledgeable on the situation. Some of the things she said don’t really make sense. Some of it sounds like it could be stories of when it first hit. When the virus hit the US they were using a more quick to ventilator strategy. But as we are learning more about the virus we are finding better solutions. Lots of places have since changed to a high flow oxygen like vapotherm of I’ve even heard of hospitals using scuba masks with 3D printed oxygen attachments to help deliver higher concentration of oxygen and keep the peep lower.
Sounds like she is not very knowledgeable on the situation. Some of the things she said don’t really make sense. Some of it sounds like it could be stories of when it first hit. When the virus hit the US they were using a more quick to ventilator strategy. But as we are learning more about the virus we are finding better solutions. Lots of places have since changed to a high flow oxygen like vapotherm of I’ve even heard of hospitals using scuba masks with 3D printed oxygen attachments to help deliver higher concentration of oxygen and keep the peep lower.
This was an attack on America from China and Israel. The war has started ladies and gentlemen. America has strategic assets all over the world setting this up so it ends quick. God bless Donald Trump and God bless the United States of America
Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine
Fellow readers and editor, please take note of the comment by Ray. An attack on America from China and Israel. Please reread that.
I believe her. I was an ICU nurse for a long time and I have seen probably all of the things she stated but it looks like it’s all happening quickly without correction. When I saw it, it was usually immediately corrected if possible. The culture must be that of horrible respect for nurses. In the ICU, the nurse should be the boss. I wish I could give her a big hug!! She makes total sense.