Rav Moshe Weinberger is a Mashpia at Yeshiva University and is the founding mara d’asra of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY. He related the following story.
Rav Moshe Weinberger is a Mashpia at Yeshiva University and is the founding mara d’asra of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY. He related the following story.
A Jew would dress up as Satan?
It is still funny after hearing this many times
Santa Klutz
Satan Klautz
I miss those Matchbox cars.
Why is this funny? A Jew acting as a Santa Clause, participating in the idolatrous religion, whose members killed Jews in the Crusades and in the Inquisition? What a Chillul Hashem 🙁
Two Jews are taking an afternoon stroll. As they pass St. Joseph’s Cathedral they notice a sign posted on the front door.
“$50!!,” exclaims David. “What a great deal, we can just convert back after!”
“Hold your horses,” says Aaron. “It could be a scam, tell you what, I will go and do it, we’ll see if this deal is real.”
Aaron goes into the cathedral and David waits outside.
Finally, after an hour passes, Aaron comes out of the cathedral.
“So? Was it a scam? Did you get the $50??,” asks David.
Aaron replies, “Is it always about the money with you people?”
i posted the video to a chat and it got taken down by the admin..not sure why, its just a harmless funny story. Apparently this woman holds herself high above a well known and respected rabbi. wow, we are so proud of you She Who Shall Not Be Named, youre really shteiging. lets just remember that its a zechus to be able to make people laugh. lighten up lady
There is a shayloh that, across the last two millennia, has stumped the Tana-im, Amara-im, Geonim, Rishonim, Acharonim, and Poskim. Neither Rav Saadya Gaon, the Rambam, the Rashba, the Ritva, the Rema, Chasam Sofer, Aruch HaShulchan, Yabia Omer, nor the Igros Moshe ever answered this question. Certainly, the world’s greatest authorities never even considered it.
Why don’t American Yidden give gifts to their children on Tu B’Shevat?
Now I have created the answer.
American Yidden do not give gifts to their children on Tu B’Shevat because Tu B’Shevat never falls out during December. If Yidden had a “tree holiday” which fell out during December, “Tu B’Shevat Tuvia” would come down the chimneys in many Jewish homes to leave wrapped gifts under the decorated tree in many living rooms for the children who had behaved well during the year. Then, he would get back in his reindeer-pulled sleigh to deliver gifts to many of the other Jewish children in the community. Certainly, if the Jewish people had a “tree holiday” in December, Jewish parents in America would give gifts to their children on that holiday just like today’s Jewish parents give gifts to their children on Chanuka. The practice would be irresistible. Gifts of toys, etc. are as relevant to Tu B’Shevat as they are to Chanuka.
Every non-Jew knows that Chanuka is the most important Jewish holiday, but they never heard of Tu B’Shevat. Everyone needs mazal even a sefer Torah sh-b’heichal. Chanuka had the mazal and Tu B’Shvat did not.
Rav Weinberger’s story was delightful. Thank you.
i think some folks are missing the boat. nobody is saying they aspire to be santa. the point is that its a story that actually happened. its funny. just relax and work on becoming a better person. i dont think a good laugh gets in the way of that.
Mysa never happened or not
@jewsaresmartest – Thanks for the great joke! I really got a good laugh and shared it with friends and family