Watch: Rabbonim, Community Leaders Release Video Urging Covid-19 Vaccinations

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  1. The COVID shot is minimally tested and experimental. It messes with the cells in every organ of the body, using a technology that has never been used on humans before and has consistently failed animal testing for a decade. It is manufactured by a company that the government has exempted from product liability for vaccines. Nevertheless, this same company has been fined billions of dollars for negligence with some of its other products. Meanwhile, corporate controlled governments are preventing the public from using HCQ and Ivermectin, remedies that have been in wide-use for decades, with the fallacious claim that they are dangerous. The discovery of Ivermectin actually won two scientists the Nobel Prize in Medicine. In 2018, it was the 420th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States. HCQ has been in use all over the world for 70 years. These are tested drugs unlike the COVID shot. You want to claim that the government really cares about stopping COVID or saving lives? They wouldn’t ban HCQ and Ivermectin if they did. Do not trust your government. If you do, you are a fool.

  2. “World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness. Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health. Confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, the infectious disease expert stated: “Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from the society.”

    He went on to say: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

    The current working group on the COVID-19 pandemic in France was reported to be “utterly panicked” on receipt of the news, fearing pandemonium if it follows the guidance of the experts.
    Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing

    • Doctor Haviv’s comments are taken totally out of context. He fully endorsed vaccinating and has done so personally. He also endorses wearing masks indoors and social distancing and hand washing. Please know that most of the hardest cases and deaths of Covid are among the unvaccinated. It is not fun to die from Covid, we must all do our best to stay healthy. U’Bacharta BaChaim.

  3. Who’s behind this video? Who paid to produce it? Who paid Matzav to publicize it? Why is there only one Rav on it? One out of literally thousands??? The doctor wearing the mask says, even if we’ve had Covid and have NATURAL antibodies, we should still get vaccinated. WHY??? The masked one doesn’t give us any medical reasoning or proof! Nothing. Just an ignorant opinion. Btw, why is the doctor wearing a mask?! That’s NOT what this video is about. We just had in the Dirshu Mishna brurah, that a person that sits in his Succah (not on the first night) even though it’s raining and he’s getting soaked, is not a heiligeh Tzaddik. He’s a fool. So if this doctor in this video knows that his stupid mask is only for show, why is he wearing one.

  4. PLEASE release videos from the good, honest and respectful doctor, Dr. Zev ben Leah Zelenko, may he have a refuah shelemah. We need a yom tefillah for this special doctor who wants to save klal yisroel.

  5. I’ll start the inevitable. It wasn’t them speaking, they were bought by big pharma, the govt forced them, they were given bad information, they sold out, etc. Anyone else?


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