Watch: Rafi Kenig, Others Protest at Chemed Family Fun Vaccine Event in Lakewood, NJ

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    • How can you take medication even if only a few people died? According to VAERS, thousands have died and over a million severely injured. Wouldn’t a sane person look into this matter before injecting yourself or your child?

    • 147, I am not anti vax, but for you this has already become an עבודה זרה. When someone becomes so משוגע לדבר אחד, you gotta wonder if he leaves room for G-d in the picture.

    • The truth is the truth. In Germany everything started slowly. Same thing in Mitzrayim. A little freedom taken here. A little freedom taken there. A “small” edict here. A small edict there. A mandate here and a mandate there. Whatever Fauci/Mengele says, you must follow. Come on, we’ve got to listen to our beloved government and follow orders. They only mean for our best interest. Okay, everyone line up single file please. Please enter the cattle cars one at a time. For your convenience there will be free showers upon arrival. Just be an obideint Jew and everything will be just fine. Just following orders.

    • Not 1 person in the world died of the Covid hoax and not 1 person in the world was cured from the Covid vax. (Those who “you think” died from “covid’ were murdered in hospitals for which hospitals got $thousands per covid death.) PROVE THIS WRONG! However, hundreds of thousands DIED from the vax. You’re not aware of this information because you’re either living in a cave or wearing masks on your ears and eyes or just too dumb to read anything but mainstream bogus stuff.

    • As one who considers herself/himself mentally healthy, can you explain to the entire world the reason for taking the vaccine other than because Fauci said so? It’s not as if it’s a chok in the Torah we must do without questioning. As you read here and surely elsewhere that many who’ve taken it, even the third dose, came down with covid or much worse. Hospitals are full of those who took it – and only with those who took it. So why should anyone take it? We need to hear your logic. If we don’t hear from you it would mean that you’re just part of the sheep following orders and not mentally healthy.

  1. Those 3 clips were the most vile filthy disgusting characters known unto mankind, and כל-הכבוד to Chemed for doing something so gainful to everyone:- a win win to all.
    The ראשי-ישיבות and NJ politicians should all be in attendance all 6 Sundays, welcoming all the kids & families with open arms.

    • Actually, it was music to most people’s ears. It’s so nice to hear from those who care to save lives of others. What sin has Chemed committed that’s causing them to commit such crimes?
      מגלגלים זכות על ידי זכאי וחובה על ידי חייב
      What food have you and many posters here eaten that’s clogging your mind and brains?

  2. I think everyone should educate themselves and then make a decision.. It is true that many Jewish entities were given millions of dollars to promote the covid vaccine.

    Dr. Eric Rubin, one of the FDA members who voted to recommend the covid vaccine for 5-11-year-olds, said at the FDA meeting: “But we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.”

    It does make you wonder when Pfizer asks the FDA to grant them till 2096 to release all their data on their vaccine:

    If interested, you can read more info here and speak to your pediatrician about what you learn.

  3. Incredibly sad to see how the COO is spoken too. I worked in CHEMED ( no longer there) but witnessed first hand how tirelessly admin was working through the Covid Pandemic, many hours invested in working overtime without thinking of compensation. In all honesty they would do likely do a-lot better financially in other aspects of the healthcare system. They were one of the only places in NJ to have such an efficient vaccine system with little wait time. Such an Asset to all of Ocean County. Thank you CHEMED.

    • So why was I made to wait close to 2 hours this past Friday erev Shabbos, just to see a female PA, test me if I had the flu and strep? Lousy careless service. Patients time has no value?

      • Very simple. Most people in healthcare such as myself do not find it to be financially profitable and more than that find the huge volume of sick patients to be mentally and physically exhaustive. I used to run like a headless chicken from patient to patient, giving up my lunch break. My hands were so coarse from the constant hand washing ( face washing too, people coughing straight at my face when I swabbed them) , I almost didn’t feel human. I no longer work for this reason. The few standing are working valiantly putting in many hours overtime while thousand of sick people rely on them, flooding urgent cares, and therefore long waits.

        Next time you see that “female PA “ make sure to thank her for giving up her break to run to the next patient and showing up to work to see you and cut your wait time. She’s most likely working at an odd time that many Lakewood women are not working, while her kids are probably sick at home being watched by the babysitter she struggled to find!

  4. Anyone involved in this event in any way has involved himself in child sacrifice which is forbidden by Jewish law and secular law. It’s shocking that more people did not show up to protest this event. May Hashem give strength to the brave man who did.

  5. These shots are political garbage Why are you still wearing masks??? why are all vaccinated people so scared to go anywhere?? Aren’t they protected???I know tons of people who were vaccinated and got covid. I do know that polio vaccine, small pox and others were well researched and tested, there were no “cases” after vaccines. No one forced anyone to take it, we took it because it was safe and it basically eradicated the desease. THIS IS POLITICALLLY AND MONEY MOTIVATED AS WELL AS POWER.

  6. Let’s get some things in perspective.
    VACCINE: (noun) a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
    So, a vaccine provides IMMUNITY from a disease.
    IMMUNITY: (noun) The ability of an organism to RESIST a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. (Oxford English Dictionary)

    So a vaccine is a substance, usually prepared from the actual disease-causing organism, that gives the body the capability to resist the illness, so you don’t get sick.
    If you get a polio vaccine, you WILL NOT GET polio; if you get the measles vaccine, you WILL NOT GET measles. Some may require a booster, like tetanus, but during the 10 years between tetanus boosters you are IMMUNE to tetanus, as in YOU CAN’T GET INFECTED OR SICK! Not “you can get sick but not as sick”.

    If all these shots do is make you less sick if you get infected, then they’re NOT a vaccine – they’re a prophylactic, like taking 3 Advil before going to a noisy wedding so your headache won’t be as bad.
    The use of the word “vaccine” to describe these injections is an advertising gimmick designed to obfuscate and confuse the public.

    You want to take the shot – go ahead. I’m not advocating pro OR con. Just be aware of what you’re taking and don’t fall for the marketing hype.

  7. If you are going to censor comments, why don’t you censor comments advocating injury to children, as opposed to those of us who are advocating protecting children? Why allow comments at all if you are going to prevent a range of opinions within halacha? I find the comments defending this event appalling and contrary to the Jewish religion.

  8. Why is it so often that the anti – vaxxers curse , and use vulgarity (as in this clip) , threaten people, rant and rave like insane lunatics?

    What does it say about their “cause” , or about the type of people that it attracts?

  9. His poor knowledge of English and his comparison to Nazi Germany reflects a low level of intelligence which probably allows for his crazy and ignorant anti-vax position.

  10. His poor knowledge of English and his comparison to Nazi Germany reflects a low level of intelligence which probably allows for his crazy and ignorant anti-vax position.

  11. Rafi is a Lev Tahor survivor. Do you really expect him to trust anyone? especially after all the lies. Read Robert Kennedy Junior’s Who is fauci book, best seller on amazon, & then question why a Lev Tahor survivor would not be scared of Oilam Goilam, going after the flock.
    BTW I did take the shots, but that is on advice of my doctor, who is the same doctor I would rely on to be mechalel Shabbos, if Chas Veshalom needed. However that doesn’t mean every child should do it, & afi is really concerned, of sheep mentality, and in his case I say rightfully so.

    • Have you ever studied the Mishna אין בור ירא חטא, ולא עם הארץ חסיד
      Why can’t an ignorant person be a ירא חטא or do לפנים משורת הדין?
      The answer is obvious – he doesn’t know the basics, and has no understanding of the pertinent issues.
      This misguided young man has absolutely no idea of what he is talking about, while his comparisons are idiotic, ugly, and highly offensive.
      As for meaning leshem shomayim, you know the aphorism – the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

  12. Think the shots are safe? Thing again. Do some research to find out the real truth. Find out what is happening to little children in E.Y. that did take this poison already. Nebach on them on on their families.
    I am so grateful to see there is ONE decent person in Lakewood standing up for our future generations. Where are the rest of you? Walk up, pick your heads up from the sand. This is a war against Humanity, a war against our people and our children, a war against religion. A genocide.

  13. Family Fun Day? Fun for who? Not for the families whose children have reactions cholila! Fun because they collect government money, and it seems that is the only thing that matters to them. Green dollar bills. $7 million plus so far and $11 million plus so far for others. Wake up shepselach. This vax is NOT for your benefit; it is for theirs! This vax benefits Big Pharma. IT DOES NOT BENEFIT YOU!!

    • Yeh, it was the same during the dreaded deadly measles pandemic. You were allowed to come to the free circus only if the little kids were vaccinated.

  14. Matzav: Why are you omitting the most important part of my email. I wrote CHEMED made over $7 million dollars and REFUAH made over $11 million dollars. Why is that? Are you getting paid to push the vax?


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