Okay. So now starts the annual showing of every personality lighting his menorah by Matzav, as if this is a new phenomenon that Yidden follow halacha and light a menorah. We will have to endure looking at thousands of pictures and videos of every Rebbe Rosh Yeshiva, past and present. So childish. So immature. Does Matzav (and the others) really think we live in a cave, thousands of miles away from the next Yid?! Is this the first time that we’ll have parsumei nissah?
Okay. So now starts the annual showing of every personality lighting his menorah by Matzav, as if this is a new phenomenon that Yidden follow halacha and light a menorah. We will have to endure looking at thousands of pictures and videos of every Rebbe Rosh Yeshiva, past and present. So childish. So immature. Does Matzav (and the others) really think we live in a cave, thousands of miles away from the next Yid?! Is this the first time that we’ll have parsumei nissah?
I would be very happy to watch a showing of every single personality lighting his Menora!!!!
Only those who keep only one mitzva of the Torah gets a video taken from them; whether it’s Menorah lighting, Donut eating or celebrating with latkes.