Last night, a granddaughter of the zekan roshei yeshivos, Hagaon Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, married a grandson of Rav Hershel Shechter, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas REITS.
At the wedding, as the first dance started, after the opening songs, the musician Yossi Greensweig began playing Yomim al yemei melech tosif and the chosson began dancing with his kallah’s grandfather, Rav Kamenetsky.
After a few seconds, Rav Kamenetsky began whispering something into the chosson’s ear, apparently telling him that he should dance with his own zaide, Rav Schachter, first. Only then did Rav Kamenetsky dance with the chosson.
This display of humility and kavod was lost on no one.
Ashreinu that we are zocheh to the exalted example of Maran Hagaon Rav Shmuel.
Very nice indeed. True Gedolim are mostly known and remembered for their gevaldika sensitivity towards others. It’s their middos tovos that stand out. Ashreichem.
“Yeshivas REITS”
You meant RIETS.
RIETS = Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary.
REITS =Real Estate Investment Trusts.
Or you could just say Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon (z”l).
I’m not sure what the big deal is. I guarantee you that Rav Shachter would have done the EXACT same thing!
Rav Schachter is a generation younger than Rav Shmuel
This expression of selfless of Humility occurs multiple times a day
EVERY DAY in Rav Shmuel’s daily routine.
In most cases, he defers his kovod to REGULAR PEOPLE including CHILDREN.
I have seen it many times.
To the lomdim its their insight that stands out
Mazal Tov so beautiful
He didn’t call Rabbi Schachter a bigger R”Y than himself, just that the boy should dance with his own grandfather before dancing with his Kallah’s gradfather.
“I’m not sure what the big deal is. I guarantee you that Rav Shachter would have done the EXACT same thing!”
Rav schachter is much younger than rav shmuel he should have rav shmuel dance first, rav shmuel though was the older of the grandfathers.
very nice , mazeltov