The miracle that has shaken the Torah world: This morning, as reported earlier on Matzav.com, Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky celebrated the birth of his first child.
Upon discharge from the hospital this morning, the 88-year-old Rav Kushelevsky headed straight to the home of Rav Moshe Shternbuch, to express his gratitude for the bracha bestowed upon him nine months prior.
Rav Kushelevsky, who remarried six years ago, consulted with Rav Shternbuch about the shidduch and thereafter honored the senior posek with siddur kiddushin. After the chupah, Rav Shternbuch addressed the rosh yeshiva, saying, “You will yet merit to see generations and descendants of permanence from this shidduch.”
During the past year, Rav Shternbuch added his brachos, saying to the rosh yeshiva, “May you merit to see male offspring.” Now, after about nine months, the rosh yeshiva indeed embraced his firstborn son in a miraculous manner that has astonished the medical community both in Israel and around the world.
As mentioned, the rosh yeshiva arrived at the residence of Rav Shternbuch today to express gratitude for the special bracha in the vein of “a tzaddik decrees and Hakadosh Boruch Hu fulfills.”
Rav Shternbuch and the rosh yeshiva burst into a moving rendition of ‘Siman Tov U’Mazal Tov’, and the rosh yeshiva broke into a spirited and emotional dance before Rabbi Shternbuch.
The following is a partial transcript of the conversation:
Rav Shternbuch: Mazel Tov.
Rav Kushelevsky: The bracha you gave me helped me a lot.
Rav Shternbuch: I don’t know if the brocha helped; mainly, we need to thank Hashem. We were privileged that the Almighty separated us from the misguided, and when He bestows kindness upon us, we recognize it. For us, the goal is not the miracles themselves, but the ‘acknowledgment’ of His kindness.
Rav Kushelevsky: I request a brocha that the son will become a great talmid chochom.
Rav Shternbuch: That depends solely on you.
Rav Kushelevsky: I will do my part.
Rav Shternbuch: The more effort you invest in it, the brocha depends solely on you.