Watch: Senator Chucky Schumer Being Menachem Avel the Family of Jersey City Victim Moshe Hersh Deutsch Hy”d

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  1. listen chucky the free pass you give to the mistake of israel to do anything it wants, to beat people, arrest children, to send snipers to shoot medics and press people is why these people were killed

  2. The Senator is a chusid, his (elter?) zeide was a gabbai by the Czortkover tzadik, as he has related in the past (PPY dinner IIRC).

    The claim that sinas yehudim is the greatest he has ever seen is questionable though.

  3. Chuck causes a lot of the anti semitism. I would not have let him in the house. What shiaches does an extreme liberal have with erliche Yidden??? He is erev rav deluxe. Nothing more.

  4. Can you show more of the video? Mr. Schumer started saying something about the lady behind him who was also subject to some sort of anti semitism. The video cut off before he finished.

  5. Chucky Schumer 38 years in Senate andnothing to show for it. Sold out NYS on Obamacare as NYS gets lower reimbursement than other states. Sold out Jes on Iran when he made a deal that he can vote against the deal but wont push other Jews/Democrats to vote against it. GOt minority leadership as reward. Selling out to his Black constituents at the price of the Jews. Where is school vouchers for Yeshivos? Other states have them. NYS has the largest population of private tuition paying schoolchildren and he is nowhere. WHere is federal funding for seniors below the poverty line? Where is protection against illegal immigrants when he fights Trump on the wall? Piece of dreck.
    Holds newsconfernece every Sunday to complain about whatever is in the news headlines and then does nothing.


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