Watch: Sheva Brachos for Chosson and Kallah at the JFK Airport Gate

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Via A group of bochurim who were traveling yesterday to the Lubavitcher Los Angeles Mesivta for the coming year met a newlywed couple while they were waiting in the JFK International Airport terminal. The young couple approached the bochurim and said that it is the 7th day since their wedding and it would be really nice if they could have their last sheva brachos at the airport.

The bochurim counted five men with their fellow Jewish travelers and were determined to make the sheva brachos happen.

“We had 30 minutes until shkiah, so we started to look for any Jew we could find,” they told

With a few minutes left, they found a minyan, washed their hands for hamotzie, bentched and made the sheva brachos right at the gate. The impromptu simcha ended with joyous dancing for the new couple.



    • Yes. The chosson is the one wearing the hoodie. His kalla is one sitting one seat over (harchaka) next to him wearing the sweatpants. They made the brachos on beer, which according to a minority, is considered chamar medina by today’s standards. Bideved, in an airport. My Rav holds differently but that’s a separate discussion. Is there a problem that it was not a kos malei?

  1. Sheva berachos need to be in the house of the chosson. Perhaps you can rent a private house the chosson for the time of the sheva berachos. I don’t see an airport being house of the chosson in any way. This may have been berachos levatalos despite good intentions.

    • Since when is any Sheva Brochos done in the house of the Chosson?

      It is any seuda following wedding for 7 days that has a minyan, requires Sheva Brochos at bentching.

    • Always some know it all with a negative comment. I don’t see where a restaurant would be anything close to be being his house either. Ill have to look up in my Sefer of hilchos sheva brachos, if you are right. But i got a feeling that it will be found next to hilchos strimel, or in my in box of chumra of the week.

    • Where did you get your halachah from which apparently no one is following. Mostly everyone, including poiskim and rabbonim, make them in halls or in parents’ homes.

  2. There are assorted other sheilos here besides the house of the chosen. Next time check with your LOR before doing something like this. Yes, despite all the good intentions, these could be brochos le’vatala.

  3. Dear Shuey, The Halacha is that whenever you’re near a Chosson and Kallah Toych Shivas Yemey Hamishte from the Chasunah, whether in a restaurant or even on an airplane you need to say Sheva Brachos when you Bench

  4. Not bracha levatala.
    You have to have a meal with them. Wash hamotzi. Just like by the actual wedding or going to a restaurant etc. Good intentions and good outcome why are you so skeptical. Look it up

    • Interesting. So what was served at this particular seudah? Everyone washed? Making brachos from a tumahdika smartphone?

      • Thank you for sharing your negativity on a Mitzvah. Kol Hamesameach choson v’kalah… Maybe not the most ideal place or method, but I didn’t hear the newly wed couple complain.

  5. Did you hear about the chosson and kallah who boarded a flight immediately after their final sheva brochos when all the excitement came to a close?
    They said the contrast felt very plane.

  6. Sephardim poskin that sheva berachos can ONLY be made if it’s in the couple’s house, else if it’s outside their home – one makes only two berachos — borei pri hagefen, and asher bara, else it’s a bracha lvatala.

    Ashkenazim poskin it can be made anywhere, as long as the seuda is prepared exclusively for the choson and kallah and everybody that’s participating from the start has intention that they are eating specifically in honor of the chosson and kallah.


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