Watch: Stand Up for Our Moros – A Doni Gross Production, Sung By Benny Friedman

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Stand Up is a gorgeous production by Doni Gross, composed by Yitzy Waldner, sung by Benny Friedman, with lyrics by Miriam Israeli, dedicated in honor of our moros, who leave a lasting impression on mothers and daughters forever.

Thank you to Torah Umesorah for giving the moros the power to last.




  1. Very touching. Sadly, the morahs are severely underpaid. Compare a woman teacher with degrees, decades of experience, and the salary of a male teacher of the same age group, same position, IN THE SAME SYSTEM, no degree, far less experience, shorter hours – yet he is paid more. Absurd? Yup. But true. Sorry, gentlemen, not all women work for “pin money” like your wife, who is independently wealthy and worked to enrich her own neshamah. Women teach because they have to, because they need to and because they believe in the urgency of what they’re doing.

  2. There is an additional challenge. Those moros teaching in boy’s preschools, and are not treated equally to the rabbiem in the school.

  3. The issue is not male vs. woman. The issue is that in order for us to be able to continue being mechanech our daughters on the highest hashkafic levels and Torah educational level we need to be able to have an incentive to show them that it’s worth it. In a few years from now; especially in Eretz Yisroel ( this movement should expand to there too) the focus on Hi Tech and secular education is so high now. Most girls will need to go to that kivun because they want a “bayit shel Torah” and the bachurim want it too.. That is very dangerous because the whole goal for Sarah Shenirer is to create Mechanchos for the next generations. The teachers are severely underpaid in Israel and it no more talks to young girls. Girls dont want to be in Chinuch anymore knowing that the Strong boys dont want such an underpaid girl. Its a huge huge problem that must be taken care of. Oy vavoy if we wont have competent Moros to be mechanech our kids in the future. Hashem Yishmor.


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