Attorney Ian Huyett joins Newsmax to discuss the lawsuit against a high school on behalf of his client, who says the school suspended him over expressing his beliefs on the gender spectrum.
Attorney Ian Huyett joins Newsmax to discuss the lawsuit against a high school on behalf of his client, who says the school suspended him over expressing his beliefs on the gender spectrum.
Your one word remark and your title more than says it all!!
I don’t think Sedom or the dor Hamabul were this WOKE. Perhaps they were.
Yes, the verses of the Torah with the Peirush of Rashi bringing from the Medroshim reveal that those severely wicked people did do Toeiva. The question though is, is there any place in Chazal and the Meforshim that indicate that those people were further into these extremely extreme levels of Toeiva that are now being hoisted upon the world, Rachmana Litzlan.
We must fervently be Mispallel to Hashem that these severely evil people, Yimach Shemam V’Zivchram — in both the educational system and in the government, especially the new officials who illegitimately took control of the US government — who are purposely trying to force Toeiva and these extreme levels of Toeiva on everyone, will very quickly have a massive total downfall, and that we will have Moshiach Tzidkaynu and the Geula Shleima, Bimhayra B’Yamaynu!!
Careful. You will branded as a domestic terrorist by Merrick
This is Sedom.
We now have a He a She and an IT
There are three basic genders: male, female, and liberal Liberal has an unlimited nmber of sub-genders.