Watch: The Inspiring Unverifiable Billboard Story That Probably Never Happened – But is Touching in Any Case

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As told by Rabbi Duvie Bensoussan:




  1. It is easily verifiable that it never happened

    According to the story the billboard generated a lot of buzz, media attention.

    Yet a google search for this buzz and all this media attention turns up nothing

    There are so many true inspiring stories, why make up obviously false ones

  2. While this countDOWN earned the baal mekadesh Shem Shamayim $3 million, it earned the storyteller Rabbi Bensoussan a new follower. I just DOWNloaded several of his videos from Thank you!

  3. The problem with saying over fake made up stories, is that when you say over an emmesdika story, nobody believes you/it anymore. Today, all speakers feel pressured to come up with at least one good “inspirational” story to say over in their sermon. It’s the same with all these story books by so many different authors. Is every story printed really true, with no exaggerations?! Do they really truly know the exact thoughts & motivations that were going thru the minds of the people in the story as it was happening?! How come no one ever heard of any of these people who had the stories happen to them? Not our neighbor. Not someone in my kids class. Not someone who davens in our Shul. Not someone we work with. Not someone in our Daf Yomi shiur. It’s always some unknown person living in some far flung town that all these unbelievable stories of hashgacha pratis and last minute savior, that it happens to. In today’s age of the internet and Google search, almost anything (except what big government censors) can be found out, truth or fiction. With all due respect to these dynamic speakers and authors, we have reached an over saturation point and it needs to be reeled in a bit. B”H we have kadoshdika mussar seforim to learn from and change. We don’t need dynamic this and dynamic that with information overload stories and bubbu maasos.

    • Good point. This can be compared to someone who already has antibodies and gets vaccinated with 2 doses plus a booster. The antibodies initially recognize the “Pathogen” and aim to destroy it. After seeing 3 times that the pathogen was a false alarm the antibodies no longer suspect that there is an issue, and they will no longer protect against a real pathogen.

      • Any story teller, book author, magazine article, that says “names and locations have been changed” you know it’s a fraudulent story about to be told. If you want to be an honest mashpia, you must give all the facts without exaggeration and without any changes. I immediately skip the story. Who are the story tellers that we should trust them? Are they so heilig? Are they personally on such a high level of yiras shomayim that we should just believe everything they tell us, regardless of the true facts. If the person in the story doesn’t want people to find out that it was him, he is clearly lying about the facts he is giving. Would you loan this unnamed person $1000 cash? Etc…

    11 years ago l learnt in that yeshiva and remember the billboard craze.
    l thought the story by now was well known.Spread it to as many people as you can!
    Hashem takes care of those who are really loyal !You”ll never loose by doing his will!

  5. The Rebbe, the store in the country, the magazines in the window near the bochrim’s bus stop… updated for today’s audience.

  6. Thank you, Matzav for appropriately qualifying the story as a touching bubbeh maaseh! As a resident of Los Angeles, I can pretty accurately qualify the fact that there aren’t any yeshivos of the chareidi type that have a large billboard across the street. Certainly not the digital plasma type. If the story could happen, I suppose it would have to be in LA, given the well-known billboard infestation here.

    There have been billboard stories here, by the way, mostly where various individuals and/or groups got involved to remove “racy” advertisements from right in the middle of the Jewish communities. But people throwing their life savings at the billboards is something not found in the annals of LA history 🙂

    • I don’t know if the story is true or not and I will post about that in a separate post. However, I could assure you that I could certainly see this happening. I remember when I lived in LA and I davened at the Aguda, there was a huge billboard diagonally across La Brea that one should not look at, ESPECIALLY during davening!

      Face it, there is some good about Los Angeles, but it steeps steeps steeps deep in the depths of tuma!

  7. You don’t run a story or anything like that????

    You act like the typical drive-by media where you insinuate something about a story without verification one way or another. If you think it’s not true then give the facts as to why it’s not true. Don’t just claim it’s not true or unverified and leave it at that. That you could be the left-wing media telling us that there was nothing wrong with the 2020 elections despite the fact that our eyes tell us differently.

  8. Man, y’all just shut up & enjoy a good story, who cares about your lalala investigation, take it as a story that’s it. Inspired you? Great, you gained, didn’t inspire you move on…


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