Watch This Boy’s Reaction To His Friends Showing Up To His Bar Mitzvah

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  1. Was that approved by the local poskim???
    Or the local Doctors????
    It really non of my business BUT if not it should be removed from this site – or any site for that matter.
    Provided that is not Fake News…

  2. BA”H, what a wondeful kid. What a great attitude in a difficult time. You have the ability to make lemons into lemonade. That is the makings of a gadol. You should takkeh grow to be a gadol biyisroel. You should always have simcha just as you did when you saw the very humorous surprise your family set up for you.

    To his parents: that was great of you. You should always have simchah and nachas from the whole family.

    Bracha vihatzlacha.

  3. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++!!!!!
    KolHaKavod to Shmuel, family, and those who had the idea.

  4. I have an idea for a new Wedding Takanon – No more than 400 life-sized photographed guests (gmach photo-guests not included). Photoshmorg limited to 5 dishes (gmach photodishes not included)


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