Was that approved by the local poskim???
Or the local Doctors????
It really non of my business BUT if not it should be removed from this site – or any site for that matter.
Provided that is not Fake News…
BA”H, what a wondeful kid. What a great attitude in a difficult time. You have the ability to make lemons into lemonade. That is the makings of a gadol. You should takkeh grow to be a gadol biyisroel. You should always have simcha just as you did when you saw the very humorous surprise your family set up for you.
To his parents: that was great of you. You should always have simchah and nachas from the whole family.
I have an idea for a new Wedding Takanon – No more than 400 life-sized photographed guests (gmach photo-guests not included). Photoshmorg limited to 5 dishes (gmach photodishes not included)
adorable idea
Sweet boy
Chesed power
Was that approved by the local poskim???
Or the local Doctors????
It really non of my business BUT if not it should be removed from this site – or any site for that matter.
Provided that is not Fake News…
Looks like someone did not see the video and just jumped the gun and fired some shots! And if you were joking loosen up buddy….
Did you watch the same video as I did?
Please watch the video again a little closer
Now that is very cute
mazel tov so happy for you
Terrifically creative!
BA”H, what a wondeful kid. What a great attitude in a difficult time. You have the ability to make lemons into lemonade. That is the makings of a gadol. You should takkeh grow to be a gadol biyisroel. You should always have simcha just as you did when you saw the very humorous surprise your family set up for you.
To his parents: that was great of you. You should always have simchah and nachas from the whole family.
Bracha vihatzlacha.
KolHaKavod to Shmuel, family, and those who had the idea.
i feel bad for the kid
An einikel of a Great Baal Chesed and 3rd Grade Rebbe?
May he grow up to be a Gadol b’Yisroel!
I have an idea for a new Wedding Takanon – No more than 400 life-sized photographed guests (gmach photo-guests not included). Photoshmorg limited to 5 dishes (gmach photodishes not included)