WATCH: Tsunami Warning in California Following 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake

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A 7.0-magnitude earthquake off the coast of California has prompted tsunami alerts for nearly 5 million residents along parts of the coastlines in Northern California and Oregon. The earthquake, which struck at 10:44 a.m. PT, occurred approximately 60 miles southwest of Ferndale, California, according to the US Geological Survey.

The tsunami warnings issued by the National Tsunami Warning Center cover areas from Davenport, California, all the way to Douglas, Oregon, including the San Francisco Bay region and Eureka, Oregon. The warning indicates that tsunami waves may already be affecting coastal areas, with the waves expected to reach San Francisco around noon PT.

“Tsunami warnings mean that a tsunami with significant inundation is possible or is already occurring. Tsunamis are a series of waves dangerous many hours after initial arrival time. The first wave may not be the largest,” stated the National Weather Service.



  1. You’ve got this so wrong for days. Try a acourse in meterology. Admittedly it’s hard to get through the weird news nowadays.


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