Watch: US Healthcare Worst Among Wealthy Nations, Shocking Report Reveals

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Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary reacts to a new report revealing that cancer deaths in the U.S. fell by 33% in 30 years.



    • “The Affordable Care Act” known as “Obamacare” was a disaster as soon as it was launched. It was designed to squeeze more money out of the people to benefit Big Pharma, medical institutions and insurance companies.
      Obamacare is not and never was about health insurance in the first place. It was about killing our freedoms and forcing socialism and communism down the throats of American people. The traitor McCain, who was “dealt with” exactly 6 years ago, received $9 Million dollars for killing the disastrous Obamacare repeal.

  1. How can cancer have gone down when millions of people died from cancer and heart-attacks in the last 3 years alone from the “safe & effective” shots? The 1939 Cancer Act made it illegal for governments to reveal the cure to the public, so that everyone is driven to the poisonous chemotherapy radiation to benefit Big Pharma, medical institutions and insurance companies at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives per year.

  2. I have a flat earth to sell you! The 1939 Cancer Act is an Act of the British Paliament, has nothing to do with the FDA or US law and/or big bad pharma. But I won’t waste my breath. If you’ve decided to believe, you’ve shut your ears to any other option. Nothing anyone can ever say to you will make it through your ears, you will just discard it as being paid for by “big (bad) pharma”
    You’re suspicious of the money they make off drugs (after paying the millions needed for randomized triple blind studies to get them approved) but not at all suspicious of who’s laughing to the bank with money from snake oil treatments that they are cooking up in their kitchen. But again, waste of breath….
    wishing you and your loved ones good health. May you never need medical treatment which you wont accept.
    See exhibit one:


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