Feb. 14, 2018: Bill Gates’ former doctor says billionaire “refused to vaccinate his children”
This evil hypocrite uses his money to push for vaccination around the world but won’t vaccinate his own children – What does it tell you?
* Trump moves against mandatory vaccination
* Now it’s official: FDA announced that vaccines are causing autism!
The physician who served as Bill Gates’ private doctor in Seattle in the 1990s says the Microsoft founder and vaccine proponent “refused to vaccinate his own children” when they were young.
The news that Bill Gates does not vaccinate his own children, despite being the world’s most active campaigner for mandatory vaccinations, should come as no surprise. Studies prove that the elite do not vaccinate their children. But at the same time they expect the masses to have their children vaccinated.
The elite do not vaccinate
In California, the children most likely to be un-vaccinated are white and come from the wealthiest families in Los Angeles, according to a recent study.
Matzav, why even post this kind of trash/fake news on your site. MANY years ago Bill Gates said what he did was incorrect and all of his kids have now been vaccinated for many many years.
The Gates’ children are all vaccinated according to Melinda Gates’ Facebook page. The claim that they are not vaccinated was part of a hoax and smear campaign against Bill and Melinda Gates.
“Today the world has 6.8 billion people and may soon reach 9 billion. Now, if we do a good job with the new vaccines, the health system, the birth control system … we could reduce the population by 10 to 15 percent,” Bill Gates said.
The same guy who says “we need to depopulate the planet” suddenly wants to save everyone with his vaccines.
Vaccines won’t be available for a while but there are things people could do to mitigate the intensity of the virus and possible treat it completely(albeit more trials are needed to show the full efficacy of the following). Here’s an article I recently published.
Quercetin and Zinc for anti-viral and immune support against Covid-19
As many of you know there is a race to find a treatment or vaccine for Covid-19 and many potential anti-virals are currently being looked at closely. One of them, Hydroxychloriquine, has been receiving a lot of attention lately as anecdotal evidence suggests it could help fight the severity of the virus and potentially be used early on to prevent progression. The fact that it’s been widely used for decades for other conditions has added to its legitimacy and currently there are many studies going on that will biezras Hashem reveal that it is effective at treating Covid-19. Dr Zelenko has already started prescribing it in the outpatient setting to high risk individuals or for people with shortness of breath, and he has shown a high success rate. Because of its potential negative side effects it’s not recommended yet for lower to moderate risk patients, although that might change in the near future as more studies and information come forth. Other drugs are also being carefully looked at such as Gilead’s Remdesivir, which has shown to be very promising. But it is currently in phase 3 trials and hasn’t been approved yet by the FDA although that too may change as trial data comes out in the very near future
What I would like to share is a potential treatment or preventative that is not very well known but is safe, already approved and comes as a supplement, Quercetin.
Quercetin, being a safe supplement allows even low risk Covid-19 sufferers a potential treatment, especially if taken early on to prevent symptoms from getting worse or prolonged. I am not a doctor nor a nutritionist so I don’t want to give out medical advice, however I do want to bring it to people’s attention so that at least they can be well informed and thereby ask their medical provider if they should take Quercetin and Zinc or not.
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that has been shown in a study(1) to act as a zinc ionophore(allowing access of zinc into cells to inhibit virus replication). Zinc In the body usually has trouble getting into cells. That’s where zinc ionophores come into place. It is very similar in this respect to Hydroxychloriquine which also works as a zinc ionophore. It is also believed to block viruses from entering cells in the first place. A study published by the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Labs used the most powerful IBM supercomputer to model which FDA approved compounds or supplements might interfere with the coronavirus binding to cells. Quercetin was listed as number 5 on that list(2)! Additionally one study shows it has anti inflammatory properties, which could help limit the inflammatory response or the cytokine storm caused by Covid19. (3)
Dr Michel Chrétien and Dr Majambu Mbikay are well known Montreal researchers who have been researching the effects of Quercetin for decades and have found it to inhibit various bacteria and viruses. They’ve seen positive results in mice with its use against Ebola and Zika(4). It’s also been tested with influenza(5) and SARS(6). Now they are in the process of testing it with Covid-19(7)(8).While it’s not yet proven, the basic mechanism suggests it would be effective although they don’t want to give a false sense of hope until clinical trials prove it to be so. It has recently been added to the list of preventatives recommended by the Medical University of Eastern Virginia.
Either way it is already approved by the FDA for general consumption purposes and is available currently in vitamin stores. It’s naturally found in capers, apples, red onions,dill and elderberries but generally at a significantly lower amount than supplements which usually have about 500mgs-1000mg per dose.
Zinc should also be taken(perhaps about 30mgs a day) as it has potential to inhibit virus replication once in the cell and the two supplements compliment each other. Recently Dr Joshua Ritchie of Refuah Institute put out a video strongly suggesting people take Zinc as an anti-viral and immune booster, especially since he believes many (a third of the population) are deficient in zinc. Dr Richard Roberts also suggested taking a daily zinc supplement as a preventative.
Although everyone should consult their healthcare provider first, I suggest people take these supplements at the onset of symptoms to inhibit the virus from progressing further given the fact that they are generally safe to take for standard health reasons (Quercetin is usually taken for its anti histamine and antioxidant properties). Obviously they need to be taken in moderation.
Again I am not a doctor. The information provided is just to bring awareness to a potential anti-viral and immune boosting treatment or preventative. At the very least it may lower the intensity and duration of the virus. Therefore while I suggest people advocate to be prescribed Hydroxychloriquine whenever possible, given that it’s currently the best option, certain criteria might prevent a doctor from prescribing it, especially in mild to moderate cases. Therefore at least this may potentially serve as a safe alternative in those cases. Also health care workers and first responders can use it as a safe preventative.
May Hashem Who is the Source of all refuah quickly bring an end to this Mageifa and a Refuah Shileima to all those that are sick. Feb. 14, 2018: Bill Gates’ former doctor says billionaire “refused to vaccinate his children”
This evil hypocrite uses his money to push for vaccination around the world but won’t vaccinate his own children – What does it tell you?
* Trump moves against mandatory vaccination
* Now it’s official: FDA announced that vaccines are causing autism!
The physician who served as Bill Gates’ private doctor in Seattle in the 1990s says the Microsoft founder and vaccine proponent “refused to vaccinate his own children” when they were young.
The news that Bill Gates does not vaccinate his own children, despite being the world’s most active campaigner for mandatory vaccinations, should come as no surprise. Studies prove that the elite do not vaccinate their children. But at the same time they expect the masses to have their children vaccinated.
The elite do not vaccinate
In California, the children most likely to be un-vaccinated are white and come from the wealthiest families in Los Angeles, according to a recent study.
Matzav, why even post this kind of trash/fake news on your site. MANY years ago Bill Gates said what he did was incorrect and all of his kids have now been vaccinated for many many years.
Why do you believe fake news?
The Gates’ children are all vaccinated according to Melinda Gates’ Facebook page. The claim that they are not vaccinated was part of a hoax and smear campaign against Bill and Melinda Gates.
“Today the world has 6.8 billion people and may soon reach 9 billion. Now, if we do a good job with the new vaccines, the health system, the birth control system … we could reduce the population by 10 to 15 percent,” Bill Gates said.
The same guy who says “we need to depopulate the planet” suddenly wants to save everyone with his vaccines.
Vaccines won’t be available for a while but there are things people could do to mitigate the intensity of the virus and possible treat it completely(albeit more trials are needed to show the full efficacy of the following). Here’s an article I recently published.
Quercetin and Zinc for anti-viral and immune support against Covid-19
As many of you know there is a race to find a treatment or vaccine for Covid-19 and many potential anti-virals are currently being looked at closely. One of them, Hydroxychloriquine, has been receiving a lot of attention lately as anecdotal evidence suggests it could help fight the severity of the virus and potentially be used early on to prevent progression. The fact that it’s been widely used for decades for other conditions has added to its legitimacy and currently there are many studies going on that will biezras Hashem reveal that it is effective at treating Covid-19. Dr Zelenko has already started prescribing it in the outpatient setting to high risk individuals or for people with shortness of breath, and he has shown a high success rate. Because of its potential negative side effects it’s not recommended yet for lower to moderate risk patients, although that might change in the near future as more studies and information come forth. Other drugs are also being carefully looked at such as Gilead’s Remdesivir, which has shown to be very promising. But it is currently in phase 3 trials and hasn’t been approved yet by the FDA although that too may change as trial data comes out in the very near future
What I would like to share is a potential treatment or preventative that is not very well known but is safe, already approved and comes as a supplement, Quercetin.
Quercetin, being a safe supplement allows even low risk Covid-19 sufferers a potential treatment, especially if taken early on to prevent symptoms from getting worse or prolonged. I am not a doctor nor a nutritionist so I don’t want to give out medical advice, however I do want to bring it to people’s attention so that at least they can be well informed and thereby ask their medical provider if they should take Quercetin and Zinc or not.
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that has been shown in a study(1) to act as a zinc ionophore(allowing access of zinc into cells to inhibit virus replication). Zinc In the body usually has trouble getting into cells. That’s where zinc ionophores come into place. It is very similar in this respect to Hydroxychloriquine which also works as a zinc ionophore. It is also believed to block viruses from entering cells in the first place. A study published by the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Labs used the most powerful IBM supercomputer to model which FDA approved compounds or supplements might interfere with the coronavirus binding to cells. Quercetin was listed as number 5 on that list(2)! Additionally one study shows it has anti inflammatory properties, which could help limit the inflammatory response or the cytokine storm caused by Covid19. (3)
Dr Michel Chrétien and Dr Majambu Mbikay are well known Montreal researchers who have been researching the effects of Quercetin for decades and have found it to inhibit various bacteria and viruses. They’ve seen positive results in mice with its use against Ebola and Zika(4). It’s also been tested with influenza(5) and SARS(6). Now they are in the process of testing it with Covid-19(7)(8).While it’s not yet proven, the basic mechanism suggests it would be effective although they don’t want to give a false sense of hope until clinical trials prove it to be so. It has recently been added to the list of preventatives recommended by the Medical University of Eastern Virginia.
Either way it is already approved by the FDA for general consumption purposes and is available currently in vitamin stores. It’s naturally found in capers, apples, red onions,dill and elderberries but generally at a significantly lower amount than supplements which usually have about 500mgs-1000mg per dose.
Zinc should also be taken(perhaps about 30mgs a day) as it has potential to inhibit virus replication once in the cell and the two supplements compliment each other. Recently Dr Joshua Ritchie of Refuah Institute put out a video strongly suggesting people take Zinc as an anti-viral and immune booster, especially since he believes many (a third of the population) are deficient in zinc. Dr Richard Roberts also suggested taking a daily zinc supplement as a preventative.
Although everyone should consult their healthcare provider first, I suggest people take these supplements at the onset of symptoms to inhibit the virus from progressing further given the fact that they are generally safe to take for standard health reasons (Quercetin is usually taken for its anti histamine and antioxidant properties). Obviously they need to be taken in moderation.
Again I am not a doctor. The information provided is just to bring awareness to a potential anti-viral and immune boosting treatment or preventative. At the very least it may lower the intensity and duration of the virus. Therefore while I suggest people advocate to be prescribed Hydroxychloriquine whenever possible, given that it’s currently the best option, certain criteria might prevent a doctor from prescribing it, especially in mild to moderate cases. Therefore at least this may potentially serve as a safe alternative in those cases. Also health care workers and first responders can use it as a safe preventative.
May Hashem Who is the Source of all refuah quickly bring an end to this Mageifa and a Refuah Shileima to all those that are sick.
Sincerely, A fellow Yid
Gates clearly stated that his vaccines is for population control and millions will die from it and people are still begging for it???