What in the world did they need to ask forgiveness for? *
For what did they need to ask forgiveness? *
WHY in the world did they need to ask for forgiveness? *
I forgive you for your poor grammar.
But seriously, you see and hear from this that in one’s core being it is understood that there are races. Nobody believes in “Equal but not Separate.” (Yes, I know the famous expression coming from the equally famous segregation case of the SCOTUS is Separate, but Equal.)
This is so stupid, you need to be on both knees to ask forgiveness, everybody knows that. One knee is for a proposal, or for incredibly succesful and wealthy athletes to protest the country that gave them their fame and wealth. Morons.
Reb Mordechai, I had an upsetting experience yesterday. For the first time, I experienced a vile anti-Semitic remark from a white supremacist. I said to myself, wow, they really do exist. I’ve lived in NYC all my life and only heard these kinds of remarks from black people.
ומרדכי לא יערה ולא ישתחוו
לא יומתו אבות על בנים ולא בנים על אבותם
Goysheh narishkeit of collective guilt
Is change finally coming?
What’s beautiful? What change? The Commish 1:15 describes you well.
Glad to help!
What’s beautiful? ”
That we are acknowledging real systemic racist problems in America
“What change?”
Hopefully the above!
any other questions.
Keep asking ,t hats how you learn things don’t be shy
Appeasing the beast before he kills you.
Well said.
Now thats real teshuva
Politically correct left wing lunatics!!!
What in the world did they to need to ask for forgiveness???
What in the world did they need to ask forgiveness for? *
For what did they need to ask forgiveness? *
WHY in the world did they need to ask for forgiveness? *
I forgive you for your poor grammar.
But seriously, you see and hear from this that in one’s core being it is understood that there are races. Nobody believes in “Equal but not Separate.” (Yes, I know the famous expression coming from the equally famous segregation case of the SCOTUS is Separate, but Equal.)
Disgusting, makes me sick
Willy Brandt
This is so stupid, you need to be on both knees to ask forgiveness, everybody knows that. One knee is for a proposal, or for incredibly succesful and wealthy athletes to protest the country that gave them their fame and wealth. Morons.
I suppose the others now owe us an apology on bended knee for continuing to harbor black racists.
Let them come now an kneel and apologize to their Jewish brothers for years and years of systemic anti-semitism.
Reb Mordechai, I had an upsetting experience yesterday. For the first time, I experienced a vile anti-Semitic remark from a white supremacist. I said to myself, wow, they really do exist. I’ve lived in NYC all my life and only heard these kinds of remarks from black people.
Good point. Now, all whites are evil and all blacks are angles. Seek help quick.
I think the blacks should get on their knees and apologize to me for destroying the beautiful Brooklyn neighborhood where I grew up.
These people are bowing to their masters and show how inferior and subservient they are to them