WATCH: Whitefield Choir Gives A Rendition Of ‘Adon Olam’ On Flight To London

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  1. Beautiful and hopefully a kiddush hashem was made but…when did this occur? Social distancing, who is flying anywhere now? No masks or anything I hope this was from a while back

  2. nice. but if anyone cares about my opinion, I am not of the belief that any time a jew does something nice it qualifies as a kiddush Hashem. I think it actually has to make one respect Hashem the torah and its followers.

    • Yes, I was wondering about that and the flamboyant gut in black shirt, aisle seat, graying hair. Who can sing Adon Olam and still ignore the lyrics?

  3. Yes, I was wondering about that and the flamboyant gut in black shirt, aisle seat, graying hair. Who can sing Adon Olam and still ignore the lyrics?


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